Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


A concordance to the Middle English culinary recipes in MS Harley 5401
Based on: C. Hieatt, ed., in: Medium Aevum 65, 1996, 54-71.
Version 22.5.01, TGl

1,2 -- medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls
2,1 -- same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe
3,2 -- & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it
3,3 -- & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat
4,2 -- or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp
4,3 -- it be standing; & put it in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a
4,4 -- with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of
8,5 -- lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon
9,3 -- be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of
10,3 -- & salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym
10,4 -- grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as
11,2 -- egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary.
11,3 -- oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt &
11,4 -- in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take
11,4 -- & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh
11,5 -- hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make
12,4 -- take it vp & lay it on a fote bord til it be colde; & when þe
12,4 -- & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do it in þe cofyns & karve
13,2 -- [96v] And lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r]
13,3 -- styll on a fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh
14,2 -- þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan
14,2 -- wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or
15,1 -- Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte &
15,4 -- levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever, & when it is cold
15,4 -- strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever, & when it is cold lard it &
15,5 -- it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part
17,1 -- rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele;
19,1 -- serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe
19,1 -- And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of
19,1 -- make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike &
20,2 -- standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd
20,3 -- or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk,
20,4 -- shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew
21,1 -- strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or
21,4 -- it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of
23,2 -- every day twyes; than bray it in a morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn
23,3 -- morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be
23,4 -- onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe
24,2 -- & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do
24,3 -- with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne,
24,4 -- take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr
25,2 -- Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth,
26,2 -- & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour
29,1 -- serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, &
29,2 -- hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut
29,3 -- kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns
30,1 -- aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth &
30,2 -- stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan
30,4 -- set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam &
31,2 -- go owte of þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe
33,1 -- saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it
35,2 -- it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt,
36,2 -- schop þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth &
37,2 -- oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam
38,1 -- hew it small & cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre;
38,2 -- togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt
40,3 -- oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do
41,3 -- brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk,
42,3 -- sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds,
43,1 -- creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do it in
43,2 -- when it is dry do it in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe
44,3 -- sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with
45,4 -- & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis
47,2 -- mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For
48,1 -- depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same
48,1 -- to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is
48,5 -- if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes,
49,3 -- & draw it, & put it in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr
49,4 -- If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a
49,5 -- þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene
49,5 -- lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| &
49,6 -- tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards
49,8 -- þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a
49,9 -- & let þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse
49,9 -- with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll
51,2 -- go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte
52,2 -- grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do
53,1 -- & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte
55,3 -- oute þe mete & put it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in
55,4 -- þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it
56,2 -- creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre
57,1 -- or piges heds & put it in a pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw
57,2 -- put it in a pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon
59,1 -- confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym
59,2 -- in hote water, & rub it with a cloth till he be clene; & take ale &
59,3 -- ale & water & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele;
59,3 -- lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely
60,1 -- with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til
60,2 -- in clene water, or cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam
61,2 -- of the pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam
62,6 -- it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure of violets, &
63,1 -- Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre
63,3 -- turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of
63,4 -- vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle,
64,3 -- saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it
64,3 -- þan tak water & well it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry
64,4 -- in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it
65,2 -- y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set
65,3 -- togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai
65,4 -- standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or
66,2 -- take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony
68,3 -- cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and
70,2 -- water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode
70,3 -- in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in
70,3 -- gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt
74,2 -- or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of
74,3 -- temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto
75,2 -- þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe
76,1 -- & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast
76,2 -- throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth
78,3 -- bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth,
81,1 -- þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it
81,2 -- & fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll
83,2 -- þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; &
83,4 -- cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed
84,1 -- stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past;
84,1 -- To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh
84,2 -- rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown
84,5 -- powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe
84,7 -- in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow
84,7 -- & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi
84,8 -- þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole
84,10 -- fall not down; & when it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh,
86,2 -- & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan
86,4 -- let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth.
87,2 -- of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take
88,2 -- it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat
88,2 -- þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto
88,4 -- þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast
89,1 -- Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with
89,5 -- & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth.
91,3 -- styre it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay it on a
91,3 -- þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng
92,2 -- with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin
92,2 -- togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe
93,1 -- Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with
93,2 -- cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a
93,2 -- watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle
93,4 -- almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges
94,1 -- Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur &
95,2 -- set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, &
95,3 -- hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme
95,6 -- be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide
95,6 -- &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat
96,2 -- hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony
96,3 -- crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of
96,3 -- a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen
96,4 -- colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth
96,5 -- worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede

84,9 -- stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall

29,8 -- not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in

13,2 -- Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly

63,3 -- on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst

85,4 -- it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of

10,3 -- in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam

49,5 -- whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a

6,3 -- peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with
91,5 -- bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it

91,4 -- on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it

54,2 -- in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it &
89,3 -- þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges

4,3 -- a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til it be standing;
7,1 -- aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere;
61,4 -- pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be
77,2 -- draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto
79,2 -- þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon &

8,1 -- Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it
37,1 -- Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam
52,2 -- in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons
59,2 -- cloth till he be clene; & take ale & water & salt & make a sharp sauce,
60,4 -- swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take
72,2 -- water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs
73,2 -- peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole it

45,3 -- & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it

28,5 -- sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth.

9,2 -- egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, &
10,2 -- cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, &
13,1 -- is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it
25,4 -- þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then
36,4 -- & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger &
38,1 -- pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow
49,7 -- þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners
52,2 -- Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, &
62,3 -- þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan
89,3 -- fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into

3,1 -- & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of
20,1 -- forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a
36,3 -- into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all
67,3 -- & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, &
68,2 -- þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne,
69,1 -- it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele
70,3 -- draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, &
71,2 -- & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters
76,2 -- þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put

1,2 -- shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it

8,3 -- & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put
12,2 -- make past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon &
16,4 -- or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it
17,2 -- bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse
25,2 -- & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of þe
42,1 -- serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with
47,1 -- Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt;
49,1 -- ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as
51,2 -- in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it
78,3 -- þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto
86,1 -- þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our
90,1 -- forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges &

7,1 -- it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast
12,5 -- & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak
27,1 -- & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water,
28,1 -- Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in
28,2 -- it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike
40,1 -- as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam &
41,1 -- & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne,
42,1 -- gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam
43,1 -- salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it
49,1 -- his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe
56,2 -- þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn of past, &
58,2 -- þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it
79,1 -- & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw

93,3 -- let it kele, & when it is almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise &

82,2 -- coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran &

49,2 -- almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with
49,6 -- ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward
49,10 -- it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it
51,3 -- or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of
51,10 -- wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt. For to
51,10 -- þu mast kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in
95,1 -- To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur

32,1 -- seth it, & when it begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth & take out

53,3 -- gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony &

3,2 -- cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth

62,1 -- it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan

12,2 -- & þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand;
23,1 -- hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change
36,3 -- broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan

24,5 -- & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr &
59,4 -- kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon

5,3 -- clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water &
8,1 -- it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis,
8,2 -- lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp
8,6 -- charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it
13,2 -- all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or
13,3 -- a fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh.
14,4 -- þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys,
15,3 -- & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis
19,1 -- cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of
20,2 -- mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede
31,4 -- þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi
34,1 -- egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or
40,1 -- Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth,
43,2 -- almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do it in a boll,
49,3 -- it, & put it in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele;
49,3 -- oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise take it of. If
51,5 -- wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of
62,3 -- þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes
62,4 -- boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened &
62,6 -- .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure of violets, & serof it
63,3 -- þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne
68,3 -- porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof
84,2 -- lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy
86,2 -- streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym

40,5 -- be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds &
58,4 -- of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a
96,5 -- ij d worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take

60,5 -- canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in

3,4 -- a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe
63,2 -- of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn
68,3 -- do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, &

18,1 -- þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, &

8,5 -- of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere &
92,3 -- dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe

76,1 -- coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a

46,2 -- & pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre &
75,1 -- when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns,
75,1 -- boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray
76,1 -- wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam

17,2 -- þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with

6,3 -- canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds &
11,1 -- Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay
16,3 -- þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with
30,2 -- brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it
39,3 -- & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched &
49,2 -- grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur &
49,6 -- trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with
49,10 -- a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne
51,3 -- & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte
51,10 -- kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald
91,4 -- sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur
95,2 -- fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a

5,3 -- water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth
13,1 -- serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about
29,2 -- wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe
84,7 -- with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode

17,1 -- Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd,

96,7 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

84,3 -- & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan

52,2 -- all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode

49,7 -- þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may

55,1 -- is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt,

55,3 -- clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe

12,6 -- fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at

37,3 -- frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth
45,4 -- & put it in a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe
47,3 -- a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make
48,1 -- ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe
56,4 -- powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds
75,3 -- & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls,
82,2 -- powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre
83,4 -- .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur;
84,1 -- in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of
84,10 -- lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when

63,1 -- of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a

46,3 -- & hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth.

21,1 -- þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els

34,1 -- if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr;

51,6 -- grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse

95,6 -- nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur

16,4 -- & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay,

90,2 -- of corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe

37,2 -- þam in to a frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet.

37,1 -- ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices;

3,3 -- mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a
4,3 -- it vp with þe brothe til it be standing; & put it in a pot with peper
9,2 -- all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in
11,5 -- in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in
12,3 -- amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take
12,4 -- it on a fote bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a
12,4 -- it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do it in þe
13,3 -- floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes &
14,2 -- wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot
15,3 -- with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat
16,3 -- þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with
16,4 -- egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik
17,3 -- with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays.
23,3 -- syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it
23,4 -- bray it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys,
27,3 -- gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon.
28,5 -- colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe
30,5 -- sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of
34,1 -- þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such
40,5 -- colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with
49,10 -- bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof
51,5 -- & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene,
51,8 -- make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse
51,8 -- grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour
57,3 -- vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of
59,2 -- rub it with a cloth till he be clene; & take ale & water & salt &
60,2 -- Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam in a
61,5 -- vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk
62,6 -- & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys
65,4 -- buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh
66,4 -- welle set it of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons &
77,4 -- quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng
84,6 -- salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe
85,3 -- & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take
89,5 -- do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it
95,2 -- in a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote
95,5 -- clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with
96,2 -- & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith

61,4 -- or of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till

5,2 -- seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute
95,4 -- it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r]

32,1 -- pork & seth it, & when it begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth &
49,3 -- & styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue

48,3 -- þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper
48,5 -- & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch

44,2 -- Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup
96,6 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

51,9 -- with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon,

7,1 -- lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure

6,2 -- of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede

15,2 -- take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, &
51,5 -- y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And
93,2 -- of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set it

49,5 -- & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl

62,4 -- þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes

27,1 -- it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay

82,1 -- in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran

84,8 -- blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe

3,4 -- þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn.
42,1 -- it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne,

16,3 -- that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of

16,1 -- it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp

49,1 -- fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte

3,1 -- a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure
86,1 -- in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a

44,4 -- vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres,

74,1 -- þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn,

59,1 -- hym in the tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water, &

29,3 -- gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele
29,7 -- & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto;
84,2 -- tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre,
84,3 -- lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take
84,4 -- brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it

84,8 -- safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd,

53,1 -- it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth,

9,2 -- & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp
22,2 -- with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with
29,8 -- of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue,
31,4 -- seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto
36,4 -- mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger
38,2 -- mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe
39,2 -- gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, &
42,2 -- þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald
51,3 -- þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue
52,3 -- mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace &
53,2 -- whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges;
53,3 -- y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth.
60,4 -- gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell &
69,4 -- cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam
73,3 -- & temper it with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes
91,4 -- But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn

43,2 -- it is dry do it in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr
49,9 -- let þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it

9,1 -- it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur
12,3 -- be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on a
30,3 -- saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode

5,3 -- begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in broth

78,2 -- wele in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of

28,3 -- of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk

9,3 -- lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes

12,4 -- vp & lay it on a fote bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be
81,2 -- fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam

13,2 -- lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it
15,4 -- in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever, & when it is cold lard

55,4 -- mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a

4,4 -- a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron
74,3 -- of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut

74,5 -- cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode

3,3 -- sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, &
5,3 -- in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water
7,2 -- & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon
8,2 -- pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon,
8,4 -- of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe
12,2 -- floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when
14,3 -- whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of
15,3 -- & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it &
19,5 -- saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to make
20,3 -- dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron,
21,5 -- galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make
61,1 -- Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the
61,5 -- befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe
62,1 -- Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of & kele it; þan
62,3 -- cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur;
63,5 -- in þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk,
64,3 -- colour it with saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water
65,4 -- a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij.
67,2 -- oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it
68,4 -- [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe
70,1 -- & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam
70,4 -- in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger &
72,3 -- þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it forth.
85,1 -- þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto;
85,2 -- ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk,
86,4 -- maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, &
87,4 -- þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon &
88,5 -- it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre,
89,3 -- it on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v]
91,3 -- it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in a
93,3 -- & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe & let it kele,

60,5 -- gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn

11,3 -- mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits in

51,1 -- it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece
58,1 -- thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele,
58,3 -- mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, &

17,2 -- a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, &
18,2 -- swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make
23,2 -- change þe water every day twyes; than bray it in a morter right small, & clens it
23,4 -- sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely
25,2 -- þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde
28,1 -- forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it
36,2 -- þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat
41,1 -- cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan
42,1 -- Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do
61,3 -- þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of
62,3 -- oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme &
71,1 -- Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar &
75,2 -- gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam

8,2 -- & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and

57,1 -- & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put it

4,3 -- þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til it
6,3 -- of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds
18,1 -- galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray
20,2 -- porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede,
21,1 -- Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list,
22,1 -- cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr
26,2 -- in water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour it with grene,
29,5 -- wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale,
30,2 -- Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald
30,2 -- capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a
31,2 -- a part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike
35,1 -- serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh
39,1 -- & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do
40,4 -- small; & make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour
41,2 -- þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of
41,3 -- in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl
50,1 -- forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges
50,2 -- egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, &
53,2 -- & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes
61,3 -- þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels
67,2 -- & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk,
69,2 -- it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk
69,3 -- is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of
70,4 -- fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast
72,2 -- in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth of
73,2 -- & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth, &
74,2 -- saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it
76,3 -- of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on
78,3 -- small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden
80,1 -- reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder
81,2 -- wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it & press it
84,2 -- & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray
84,3 -- in his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr
87,3 -- þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put
88,4 -- clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw
92,2 -- gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede
92,3 -- a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in
92,3 -- brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, &
96,5 -- of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in

38,1 -- & cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto
89,4 -- &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll
91,4 -- þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp

68,2 -- þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke,

72,1 -- salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in

73,1 -- salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth

43,1 -- cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a

49,6 -- & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay

64,4 -- in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water, &

5,3 -- oute þe water & seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it
16,2 -- it small; & temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as
21,4 -- & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger
21,5 -- of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To
24,4 -- & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn
25,3 -- of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of
25,4 -- & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder &
26,3 -- a lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong
28,3 -- draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene,
30,1 -- forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte
30,1 -- Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it
30,6 -- þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto, &
31,1 -- do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai
31,2 -- shels; þan put a part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe
31,3 -- pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in
32,2 -- to aly take oute part of þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen
32,2 -- & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan
36,3 -- morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd
39,2 -- & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, &
40,2 -- þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse,
53,2 -- throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede &
61,4 -- þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or of
72,2 -- & ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast
73,3 -- & ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe
76,2 -- & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede &
78,3 -- of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon
86,2 -- þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike,
86,3 -- henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, &
87,3 -- brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan
88,1 -- saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water &
88,2 -- & chop it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke

4,1 -- þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of
4,3 -- brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til it be standing; & put it in a
6,2 -- in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre
77,2 -- þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce, &

84,2 -- lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe

84,5 -- of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt,

49,9 -- & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe

55,1 -- & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij.

86,1 -- it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam

51,7 -- þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede
51,9 -- same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it
85,2 -- þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele
91,4 -- it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke

95,1 -- saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte
95,7 -- hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere,

50,3 -- þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre
62,4 -- togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, &
65,3 -- saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, &
92,1 -- Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede
94,2 -- streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it
95,2 -- water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr
95,3 -- water is ny hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele
95,6 -- a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis

34,2 -- molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe

43,3 -- [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt.

60,3 -- Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or

43,1 -- & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon

28,2 -- Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp

57,1 -- lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put it in a

6,3 -- or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it is

29,6 -- of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with
56,3 -- & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, &
58,4 -- seson it with suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, &
60,5 -- it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt;
84,4 -- þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r]
88,4 -- mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe

18,3 -- þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll
21,5 -- powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe

30,1 -- it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or
30,6 -- & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto,

61,4 -- gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe, &

10,1 -- of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take &
16,1 -- is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it small; & temper
30,1 -- a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe
58,1 -- serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise

2,1 -- do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched
6,2 -- brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of
7,2 -- alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it
10,2 -- hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, &
11,4 -- take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it, &
14,5 -- sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk
19,3 -- it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows,
20,4 -- in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make
28,4 -- bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with
29,7 -- blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay
36,3 -- & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond
37,2 -- peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann with batur &
38,1 -- it wele, & hew it small & cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto &
39,2 -- & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto
41,2 -- wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it
42,3 -- gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme
52,2 -- seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, &
53,2 -- & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto &
53,3 -- þan take hony & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe
59,4 -- & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with
60,2 -- þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam
60,5 -- take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when
60,6 -- in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to
61,2 -- take þam oute of the pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water
62,3 -- of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere,
62,5 -- & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat
63,2 -- & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, &
64,4 -- well it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe
68,2 -- þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon
69,3 -- when it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof.
70,4 -- þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it
70,4 -- & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe
71,1 -- wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it
72,3 -- þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette.
76,2 -- & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes,
77,3 -- ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, &
79,3 -- Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth &
80,3 -- or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse.
82,2 -- þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake
84,4 -- þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder
84,5 -- & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne,
85,3 -- it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane &
86,3 -- & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it
86,4 -- erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof
87,4 -- & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon
88,3 -- pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis &
88,5 -- & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt,
89,3 -- & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard
89,6 -- & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn.
91,2 -- & cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre, &
92,3 -- þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony.
93,1 -- & do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur,

66,1 -- or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg

16,1 -- on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons

30,1 -- & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell
42,1 -- powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam &

25,1 -- & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike

57,1 -- of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds &

59,4 -- it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely &

23,1 -- whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than bray it in

96,1 -- kepe it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur

12,3 -- boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp
16,3 -- of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or

17,3 -- flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe

24,6 -- it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys

8,1 -- lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale,
8,5 -- or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure,
38,0 -- ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it

39,3 -- it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam

40,5 -- mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, &

40,1 -- do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd
40,3 -- do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; &

13,1 -- bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd
13,1 -- Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And
74,4 -- & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld

10,1 -- & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes &

11,1 -- serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, &

33,2 -- it, & when it is half sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan
45,2 -- erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of
88,2 -- storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our

93,1 -- þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot,

83,4 -- & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake

95,1 -- with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in

96,3 -- cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it

5,2 -- .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe
14,1 -- of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe
19,2 -- poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene,
19,3 -- scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop
25,2 -- muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes &
28,3 -- þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk &
40,1 -- Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode
44,1 -- in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth
46,2 -- grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make
49,5 -- it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast
55,3 -- þe mete & put it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe
59,2 -- it with a cloth till he be clene; & take ale & water & salt & make
60,2 -- seth þam til þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam in a syve & rost
64,1 -- boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or
68,1 -- rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam
70,2 -- & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde
72,2 -- & shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, &
79,1 -- Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr
83,1 -- Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur
84,6 -- & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it
87,1 -- in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw
88,3 -- streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper
95,5 -- fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold.

23,2 -- it in a morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde

61,4 -- bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or
93,2 -- in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it

10,2 -- Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a

10,3 -- þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, &
83,3 -- full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it
95,8 -- .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth

3,2 -- of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle
21,4 -- warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay,
35,2 -- in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, &
43,1 -- of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do it in a
49,5 -- stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin
49,6 -- with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege
53,1 -- seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece
59,2 -- hote water, & rub it with a cloth till he be clene; & take ale & water
65,2 -- of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set it
66,2 -- egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony &
76,1 -- seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto
96,2 -- & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony &

23,4 -- þe morter & bray it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench
24,2 -- wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto
24,4 -- þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of

48,4 -- þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, &

16,5 -- þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys
18,3 -- spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a
19,4 -- podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full &
22,2 -- fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth
29,6 -- galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe
86,3 -- hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh,
88,3 -- cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe

26,1 -- forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice
26,2 -- codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen
78,1 -- & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele

4,2 -- sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated

47,2 -- it togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to
48,1 -- bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on,
75,2 -- with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe &

82,1 -- a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, &

10,3 -- & put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh
11,2 -- y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When
11,4 -- & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt & cast
56,2 -- of almonds & put it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of

11,1 -- .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg
12,4 -- til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do it in
12,5 -- a part & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in

15,5 -- with a lever, & when it is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost
84,11 -- bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute
93,4 -- it kele, & when it is almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof
95,5 -- let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll
95,8 -- .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs

12,4 -- on a fote bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part

24,4 -- þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, &
24,6 -- & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof.

63,3 -- anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a
63,4 -- of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth & so lat

1,3 -- mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e
5,4 -- of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard
7,2 -- it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing,
8,2 -- it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp &
8,4 -- boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis
15,2 -- & do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it
20,1 -- Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen
22,2 -- & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger
26,3 -- of brede with þe same broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn,
28,5 -- þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, &
30,3 -- þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew
32,3 -- in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make
36,5 -- þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs
40,4 -- of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, &
51,8 -- & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth
64,2 -- flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it boyle, & do
66,2 -- same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre
68,3 -- of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it
69,2 -- almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede &
75,2 -- & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn
76,4 -- de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof
89,2 -- a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set
94,3 -- it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy
96,3 -- hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of

64,5 -- lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete

44,1 -- fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede

83,1 -- bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut

26,3 -- with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe
74,1 -- Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, &

58,4 -- with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla

60,5 -- cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons

4,1 -- etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or

6,2 -- take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron

52,1 -- small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets

14,2 -- clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do

83,4 -- & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony
84,1 -- a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray &
84,7 -- hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl
84,9 -- may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it is

83,3 -- þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, &
96,6 -- it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don

29,7 -- canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray.
90,2 -- togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle &

48,3 -- bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney
56,4 -- powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis.

49,8 -- watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let

63,2 -- & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on
84,7 -- & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At

11,4 -- cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke

3,1 -- wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of
22,1 -- fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour
47,1 -- serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with
62,1 -- sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of &
64,1 -- & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of
65,1 -- it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh
69,1 -- Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take
74,3 -- it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte
94,2 -- þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle

84,7 -- þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a

63,1 -- Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt &
92,2 -- sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne

96,1 -- cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai

96,1 -- close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe,
96,2 -- softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part

7,1 -- brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse,
8,3 -- it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt,
9,1 -- strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes,
9,1 -- & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon,
16,4 -- with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so
43,1 -- a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and
47,1 -- oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto
49,1 -- put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam
56,2 -- skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn of
62,1 -- it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it
62,3 -- þam, & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and
65,1 -- colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of
65,1 -- & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw
65,2 -- a cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set it on þe fyre & well þam

18,1 -- þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of

80,1 -- Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do

8,2 -- & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take it
91,3 -- it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron

62,2 -- & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] &
62,2 -- swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam

29,5 -- with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger &

52,3 -- cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, &

4,2 -- of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in

29,4 -- wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre
45,3 -- of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, &

24,1 -- or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam &
29,2 -- skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe
69,2 -- with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe
73,1 -- forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper
74,4 -- do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it
74,4 -- þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts
83,2 -- fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh &
91,2 -- & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin &

28,1 -- be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take

96,4 -- quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte

12,6 -- gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth.

56,3 -- cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre

45,4 -- & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake it,

23,2 -- ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than bray it in a morter right small,
76,4 -- put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, &
76,4 -- þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour

13,3 -- or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes.
23,1 -- Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than bray
45,1 -- peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute
76,2 -- almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; &
78,1 -- be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth
79,1 -- it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam,

28,1 -- standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer
41,1 -- forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam
67,1 -- myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons;
74,1 -- broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon,
76,4 -- day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with
96,1 -- it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll

59,1 -- the tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub it

47,1 -- þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, &

8,4 -- & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v.
47,3 -- it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e

26,2 -- þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a

70,1 -- Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in water & salt,

67,2 -- þan toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice.

1,3 -- With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a
4,4 -- þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse
8,2 -- brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take
12,4 -- cofyns be redy, take a part & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves,
12,5 -- cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges &
14,2 -- þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece
15,1 -- forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, than take þe egges with
15,2 -- þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with
15,3 -- it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse
17,1 -- forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls
18,3 -- to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell &
21,4 -- draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell;
21,5 -- cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe
24,2 -- & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre
24,3 -- & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam
24,5 -- a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat
25,4 -- with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre.
25,5 -- lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt,
26,3 -- broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it
27,2 -- it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat
28,5 -- of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it
29,5 -- vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of
30,6 -- broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls
31,4 -- put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure
39,1 -- & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode
39,3 -- it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds
40,2 -- draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys
40,4 -- of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat
42,2 -- & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it,
43,2 -- a cloth, and when it is dry do it in a boll, & do þerto salt &
43,2 -- dry do it in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger
44,4 -- with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh
45,2 -- & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of
46,2 -- with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in
47,1 -- of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell
47,2 -- & salt; & mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe &
49,4 -- of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande
52,3 -- cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye.
53,2 -- cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it
64,3 -- with saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well
65,2 -- & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set it on þe
67,2 -- with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof.
68,2 -- kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony,
70,3 -- a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in
74,3 -- cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small,
75,2 -- þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele &
76,2 -- & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk
76,4 -- þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe
77,3 -- it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger,
78,3 -- & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt,
80,2 -- brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, &
81,2 -- grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a
89,1 -- To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, &
89,4 -- of egges & breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk.
93,1 -- forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere
94,1 -- & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth

96,7 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

92,3 -- apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof

67,1 -- let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de
85,1 -- tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks

22,1 -- þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede,

84,9 -- vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it is a lityll hard prik it,
89,5 -- it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, & lech it & roste

62,5 -- strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, &
93,3 -- fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe & let it kele, & when it is almost

10,1 -- with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam small.

21,4 -- þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder
27,1 -- Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp with
28,2 -- salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe
29,4 -- grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with
40,2 -- wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe
42,2 -- Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of
49,2 -- & temper it thyk with watur & draw it, & put it in a pott. And sett
49,7 -- ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to
64,2 -- flour of rice or of whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour
65,2 -- cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe
66,2 -- or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan
70,2 -- & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; &
77,2 -- wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with
78,3 -- þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh
79,2 -- wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it
86,1 -- Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth &
87,2 -- seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe
88,4 -- stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to

3,2 -- rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk,

3,3 -- standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of
7,3 -- & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff
14,4 -- of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of
51,10 -- þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als
62,6 -- & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh
65,4 -- þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell

4,4 -- saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof
9,2 -- bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt
20,3 -- þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a

61,2 -- the pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam small,

54,3 -- roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat

23,4 -- it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot,
24,2 -- pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a
43,1 -- Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry
43,2 -- vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do it in a boll, & do þerto salt
58,1 -- brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk

84,3 -- it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede &

10,4 -- & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines,

8,5 -- þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it;
9,3 -- standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage.
11,6 -- & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past,
20,3 -- rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, &
62,6 -- in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure of violets, & serof
63,1 -- Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of
63,2 -- & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles,
63,3 -- pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn þe
63,3 -- it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe
64,4 -- þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth.
65,4 -- & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede,

92,2 -- with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges,

7,4 -- it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and
63,1 -- & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, &

14,4 -- it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it
24,7 -- cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth

49,7 -- striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all

9,1 -- Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; &
11,2 -- so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij.
66,1 -- Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe
74,1 -- it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of

8,1 -- forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed,
15,2 -- it in a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do
16,4 -- or with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, &
18,2 -- brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne;
22,3 -- clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof.
30,4 -- fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn
33,2 -- half sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe
33,2 -- þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it
34,2 -- trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To
38,1 -- cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe
39,1 -- & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge &
45,2 -- þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt &
47,2 -- mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder
50,2 -- toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, &
51,4 -- eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it
53,3 -- togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast it
62,4 -- and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast
64,4 -- a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay
65,1 -- creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it
85,1 -- Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer
89,1 -- do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto
89,4 -- þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do þam in þe
91,1 -- [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn
92,1 -- it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder
92,3 -- cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan &
93,2 -- pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr
94,1 -- & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto

30,4 -- y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele
57,2 -- in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele
74,4 -- boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese &

48,5 -- wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde

63,1 -- it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on

73,1 -- cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts
73,1 -- serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; &

21,2 -- pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may
51,6 -- grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly,
51,6 -- els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof
83,4 -- a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof.

32,3 -- broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it

63,1 -- floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in

24,1 -- Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald

39,3 -- & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse.

8,1 -- & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, &

61,5 -- & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle
83,2 -- þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole
84,10 -- hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when þe
84,11 -- forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe
86,4 -- & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt,

41,3 -- mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger

8,2 -- y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud;
61,1 -- forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take
86,4 -- & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a

45,2 -- Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small.

63,5 -- hote coles in a hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth.

24,5 -- cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon.

3,4 -- one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of
31,5 -- & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when
42,3 -- it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it
54,3 -- grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott.

51,2 -- & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a

23,2 -- it ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than bray it in a morter right

29,3 -- & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a

51,4 -- whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete

96,6 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

74,4 -- eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath

19,1 -- it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe

84,9 -- & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it is a lityll hard

66,1 -- .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes

55,2 -- þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put it in

30,5 -- smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork

13,2 -- Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on
30,1 -- mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, &
34,2 -- or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce.
36,1 -- Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small
79,2 -- grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast
85,3 -- cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe
87,3 -- set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen
88,1 -- Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe broth
88,4 -- & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, &
95,1 -- serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur;
95,2 -- þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when
95,3 -- put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe

11,2 -- not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn
11,2 -- cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take
13,2 -- And lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes
33,3 -- with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or
51,1 -- serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery
56,2 -- pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it in
65,3 -- take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng,
70,3 -- almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt &
83,1 -- serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute

43,3 -- wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys

46,1 -- serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike

55,2 -- Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, &

12,1 -- serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, &
82,1 -- it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full

16,1 -- Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it small;

5,3 -- water & seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon,
6,2 -- same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel,
76,2 -- þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it;
76,3 -- & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe,

13,3 -- on a fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh &

41,4 -- so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof

79,3 -- saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, &

2,1 -- Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk
37,1 -- of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast
64,1 -- Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of whete & draw þe flour
64,2 -- rice or of whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with
74,2 -- y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in
77,3 -- þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast
89,2 -- colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let it
90,1 -- serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take
96,5 -- peper & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys.

3,1 -- Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe
7,1 -- creme of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it
12,1 -- a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes
12,2 -- take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder
14,4 -- it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it is
27,2 -- with water, & lay it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr,
28,4 -- & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto
29,6 -- þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, &
62,6 -- in a dysh and plant it with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in

17,3 -- almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew

9,3 -- dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or

25,3 -- almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, &

2,1 -- with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour &
4,1 -- morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen
12,1 -- it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take
20,1 -- boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, &
48,1 -- of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn
52,1 -- long & als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew
61,1 -- in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake &
63,4 -- a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles
90,1 -- þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam

91,4 -- gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it

22,2 -- wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole

32,1 -- & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns

4,5 -- þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele,
5,4 -- colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe
7,4 -- in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes &
8,7 -- & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg
10,4 -- hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not
11,5 -- be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode
12,6 -- .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay
14,5 -- þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in
15,5 -- it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of
16,6 -- þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe
18,4 -- & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket
19,5 -- & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng,
25,7 -- not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe
26,4 -- powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw
27,3 -- þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched;
28,6 -- þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym
29,8 -- lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr
30,6 -- pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water
32,4 -- colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it,
36,5 -- colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of
40,5 -- þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe
41,3 -- & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre
41,4 -- & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam
43,4 -- stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene;
45,4 -- pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh
46,4 -- fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes,
49,10 -- y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste
50,3 -- in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it,
52,4 -- þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam
53,4 -- & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis,
57,3 -- tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys &
58,4 -- & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale
60,6 -- cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake
62,7 -- with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam
63,5 -- so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour
64,5 -- þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes
68,4 -- saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete
71,2 -- mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam &
72,3 -- & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in
76,5 -- & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam
79,3 -- þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe
82,3 -- & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam
84,10 -- it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it
85,4 -- þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes
86,5 -- sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene
89,6 -- & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, &
91,5 -- it vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam
92,4 -- & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in
93,4 -- whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a
94,3 -- colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych
96,6 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

12,4 -- it vp & lay it on a fote bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns

13,3 -- borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of

10,3 -- close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch.
11,5 -- & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote;
13,3 -- fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene,
48,5 -- y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, &
84,2 -- cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede
86,2 -- draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne,
86,3 -- kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis,
88,1 -- salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it
91,1 -- egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis,
95,1 -- it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set

76,1 -- serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a

30,3 -- when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges
51,2 -- & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind
54,3 -- it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is
95,4 -- begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let

95,6 -- lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter

33,1 -- & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is

14,1 -- Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be

91,5 -- sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, &

49,7 -- as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e

81,1 -- sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele,

18,1 -- chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys

46,1 -- it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne,

90,1 -- cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper

37,1 -- with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale,

10,3 -- lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij.
11,4 -- take a lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be
33,3 -- put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday.
34,2 -- with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte
46,3 -- spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe
50,2 -- þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth.
64,4 -- panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in
67,1 -- serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne &
80,2 -- & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes,
81,2 -- saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe
90,2 -- take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis]

37,2 -- spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam &
64,3 -- tak water & well it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam

19,5 -- salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For
52,3 -- þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole
55,2 -- bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute
82,1 -- past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of
83,3 -- lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or

12,6 -- þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof
90,2 -- mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe

37,1 -- & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper &
75,1 -- Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam

17,1 -- maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a

19,4 -- gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof
82,1 -- Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin

20,1 -- it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and

11,5 -- þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij.

30,3 -- sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes &
49,3 -- a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns to
58,3 -- þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of canell,
65,2 -- þe creme & set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony
66,3 -- with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is in
69,3 -- small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth cast
85,2 -- þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it
87,3 -- a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe
89,2 -- þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise to
91,2 -- it þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele till
93,3 -- a stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe & let
95,2 -- as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be no
95,5 -- þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl

5,3 -- þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in
51,9 -- wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron
63,4 -- put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe

21,3 -- half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh
21,5 -- þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk &
24,1 -- clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, &
24,4 -- seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth &
24,6 -- & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it
25,3 -- fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth
45,1 -- þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres
76,4 -- on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, &
78,1 -- it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, &
78,2 -- pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with
78,3 -- lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr,
78,4 -- fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng
79,1 -- make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde
88,3 -- to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows,

34,1 -- in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges

80,3 -- or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make

29,1 -- standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne &

16,5 -- be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it
17,4 -- wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete
18,3 -- thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And
21,4 -- do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do

29,6 -- do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis,

14,5 -- in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk
19,4 -- it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; &

54,2 -- ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole

26,1 -- to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts

92,1 -- egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a

49,8 -- draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon

69,1 -- & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow

24,1 -- in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or

8,4 -- mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof

31,1 -- & seth þam in water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a part of
51,2 -- it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter &
54,3 -- sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat

52,2 -- Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece,

11,3 -- take it oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur &

21,2 -- þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half in
73,1 -- Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt,

12,1 -- in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk of
12,2 -- gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or
12,5 -- þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij.
17,1 -- & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; &
18,3 -- & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; &
30,4 -- it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let
39,2 -- sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd,
40,2 -- grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe
44,1 -- Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys
52,3 -- & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto,
54,2 -- Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, &
55,4 -- pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele.
60,4 -- or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, &
67,3 -- brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice,
69,1 -- serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it
70,3 -- & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot,
75,1 -- hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; &
75,1 -- Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, &
76,2 -- pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede
80,3 -- rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To
84,8 -- hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at
86,2 -- & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd,
86,4 -- broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto

54,2 -- perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go

48,1 -- & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe

4,3 -- graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til
70,4 -- a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, &
96,5 -- quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it

4,2 -- cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede; &

39,1 -- salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto
53,2 -- broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with
61,3 -- hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of
76,3 -- broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece

77,1 -- & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in
87,1 -- salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam

10,3 -- it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys.
11,5 -- cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; &
14,3 -- in a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, &
29,4 -- on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp
29,7 -- [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it
33,3 -- þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels
50,3 -- þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard.
52,2 -- raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup
53,2 -- cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, &
54,2 -- & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece
54,3 -- oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend
76,3 -- & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day

13,2 -- þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on a
26,1 -- standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of
26,3 -- þe same broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, &
51,5 -- self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene
51,6 -- it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind
51,7 -- put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, &
51,9 -- þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast

51,6 -- spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, &

1,2 -- Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a

16,4 -- vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow,
19,3 -- þe pike & shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay &
28,3 -- &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder,
29,4 -- spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte
46,2 -- þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do
51,2 -- þan put it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede
51,6 -- þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put
72,2 -- þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it
73,2 -- þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, &
74,2 -- flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it vp with
77,2 -- seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, &
78,2 -- water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes &
80,1 -- solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with
81,1 -- seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, &
86,1 -- of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode

49,1 -- of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey,
79,2 -- Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth

78,4 -- þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it

31,3 -- brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth

32,1 -- saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it

25,3 -- & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk

40,2 -- almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, &
40,3 -- þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede

70,2 -- wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a

48,2 -- coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e

48,3 -- þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put

29,3 -- at þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost

26,1 -- Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth

51,5 -- of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue
88,5 -- a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon

89,3 -- it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en

4,5 -- dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse
10,2 -- þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all
18,3 -- it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it
19,4 -- cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt
21,4 -- a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth
22,2 -- with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges,
29,5 -- of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell,
35,1 -- buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre,
35,2 -- a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs.
36,4 -- þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth.
41,4 -- florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes
42,2 -- with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a
43,3 -- salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let
56,4 -- sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of
60,5 -- & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis
70,5 -- it vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam
76,5 -- colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe
77,4 -- þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it
82,2 -- almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth.
83,3 -- sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns
86,4 -- enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy.
87,4 -- þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth.
88,5 -- to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost

7,2 -- with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele, &
27,2 -- of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; &

89,6 -- lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr

91,4 -- lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let

15,5 -- on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of

78,1 -- Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water,

81,1 -- Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede

61,1 -- to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute

49,5 -- a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with

21,3 -- smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp
21,3 -- & seth þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe
24,3 -- þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; &
24,3 -- pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe
33,1 -- & seth it, & when it is half sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng

49,8 -- gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke
55,3 -- it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it

13,1 -- To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene
22,3 -- gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure,
64,4 -- cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh
74,1 -- Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell
84,10 -- down; & when it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof
89,4 -- it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do

23,3 -- right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett;

74,4 -- & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls &

49,4 -- rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre &
49,10 -- it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves
51,3 -- þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, &
51,5 -- be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els

21,2 -- þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in
41,3 -- þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of

59,2 -- & rub it with a cloth till he be clene; & take ale & water & salt

57,1 -- it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put it in a pan
57,1 -- Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put it in a pan or in a

86,3 -- & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast

10,1 -- Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of


58,1 -- Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan

25,5 -- take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs

38,0 -- Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it small & cast it in a pan, &
52,1 -- make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in
61,3 -- dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan

48,3 -- of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with
48,5 -- wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe &
84,3 -- vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre;

52,1 -- þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw

29,7 -- clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r]
46,3 -- paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam
54,2 -- put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it
63,4 -- & put þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle, &
83,3 -- a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij.
84,7 -- it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a
84,8 -- lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of
84,8 -- blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp

3,3 -- to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched
14,3 -- pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it
20,2 -- it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam
22,3 -- hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete
53,3 -- it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof
60,4 -- wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger &
64,3 -- let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in a
65,3 -- well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle
66,2 -- with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set it oure
68,3 -- a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle it
83,4 -- let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a
93,1 -- sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, &
93,1 -- serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, & cast þerto
96,2 -- watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put
96,3 -- Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with

11,5 -- & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes
59,2 -- blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub it with a cloth till he
63,4 -- savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth & so
95,3 -- smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse
95,6 -- & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull

10,3 -- cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in
29,1 -- in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature
29,2 -- hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at
29,3 -- eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan
59,1 -- it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede to dede,
59,1 -- Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water,
59,2 -- let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub it with a cloth
84,2 -- þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in
84,6 -- vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer
84,7 -- lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd
86,3 -- take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, &

51,8 -- But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it

52,1 -- For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth
52,2 -- hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or
52,2 -- gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a

52,1 -- Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr

51,5 -- egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it

21,2 -- & splate þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte
21,2 -- brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; &
34,1 -- & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets
48,4 -- sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele.
49,4 -- it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto
51,5 -- to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe

48,4 -- of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e

96,3 -- þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs,

96,4 -- a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys & a

4,2 -- kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it
4,3 -- til it be standing; & put it in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam
5,2 -- & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in
5,2 -- or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at
5,3 -- put oute þe water & seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour
6,1 -- Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh,
7,3 -- it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd.
7,3 -- dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk
8,5 -- & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme
9,2 -- it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres
9,3 -- & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets.
10,3 -- pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry
10,3 -- & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a
10,4 -- fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll
11,2 -- fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre
11,3 -- take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay it in
11,3 -- boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur
11,3 -- it oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt
11,5 -- lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to
11,5 -- to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure &
12,5 -- redy, take a part & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do
12,5 -- it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds,
12,5 -- karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in
12,6 -- mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To
13,2 -- Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll
14,2 -- wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute;
14,2 -- be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony
14,4 -- when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof
15,1 -- Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte
15,4 -- & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a
19,1 -- forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket
20,3 -- shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in
20,3 -- wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe
20,3 -- þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, &
21,2 -- if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half
21,3 -- þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe
21,3 -- seth þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it
22,1 -- Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it
23,2 -- water every day twyes; than bray it in a morter right small, & clens it throgh a
23,4 -- put onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh.
24,2 -- elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam
24,3 -- þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half
24,6 -- scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in
24,6 -- & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls &
26,2 -- codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe
28,2 -- þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe
29,1 -- be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne
29,2 -- with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe
30,1 -- serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede
30,4 -- strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele til it
31,1 -- Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan
31,4 -- onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr &
32,2 -- pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with
33,3 -- pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys
35,1 -- Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put
36,1 -- of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam
36,2 -- þan schop þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth
36,4 -- & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, &
37,2 -- saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann with batur & ole &
38,1 -- & hew it small & cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all
41,2 -- & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put
43,2 -- and when it is dry do it in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with
44,1 -- þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode
45,4 -- sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth.
46,1 -- Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls
46,3 -- powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it
46,3 -- make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of
47,2 -- & mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it.
48,5 -- oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe
49,3 -- watur & draw it, & put it in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre &
50,2 -- turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech
51,2 -- pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take
51,8 -- isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but
52,1 -- as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all
52,1 -- in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne
52,2 -- in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne
53,2 -- þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede
54,2 -- quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no
55,1 -- etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. &
55,2 -- take oute þe mete & put it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags
55,3 -- pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom
56,2 -- & creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis,
57,1 -- heds or piges heds & put it in a pan or in a pott; & put þerto
57,2 -- & put it in a pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper,
58,4 -- canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench.
59,1 -- forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede to dede, &
59,2 -- hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub it with a cloth till
59,3 -- & lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper,
60,2 -- & seth þam til þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam in a syve &
60,2 -- softe in clene water, or cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere
60,3 -- rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete
60,5 -- & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi
60,6 -- confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make
62,3 -- [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put
62,5 -- y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, &
62,5 -- betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat
62,6 -- þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant
62,6 -- dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure of violets,
63,1 -- violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh,
63,1 -- in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon &
63,3 -- & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng
63,3 -- aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, &
63,4 -- þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth & so lat it
63,4 -- put þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof
64,3 -- þerto; þan tak water & well it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges &
64,4 -- it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water,
64,4 -- in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh &
64,4 -- hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof
65,2 -- þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set it on þe fyre &
65,4 -- be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne
66,3 -- styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle set it of & let it
67,1 -- Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with
67,2 -- onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of
69,3 -- on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let
70,2 -- & dight þam clene & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter
70,2 -- in water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with
70,3 -- with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede,
70,4 -- in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp,
72,1 -- & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam
72,1 -- ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale,
72,3 -- ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe
73,1 -- in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts &
73,1 -- in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon,
74,2 -- ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk
75,2 -- colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes.
76,2 -- þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode
77,1 -- gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam
77,2 -- ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam
77,2 -- þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe
78,2 -- with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe
82,1 -- vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk,
83,1 -- þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, &
83,4 -- rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take
83,4 -- it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray.
84,3 -- &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn
84,3 -- in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe
84,7 -- & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe
84,8 -- a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, &
85,4 -- &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof
85,4 -- stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes &
86,3 -- vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode
87,1 -- & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth
87,3 -- þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne
88,1 -- & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water
88,1 -- in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe
88,2 -- & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, &
88,4 -- & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our,
89,1 -- Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it
89,4 -- & breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set
91,3 -- & styre it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay it on
92,3 -- þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it
93,1 -- Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges
95,1 -- Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre
95,2 -- buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke,
95,3 -- when þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr
95,6 -- it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe
96,1 -- de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony &
96,6 -- mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod

24,4 -- broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr
31,3 -- grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen
36,3 -- þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk &
49,9 -- pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, &
89,3 -- to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges &

6,3 -- make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it
11,3 -- rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay
12,3 -- þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on
13,1 -- it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in
14,4 -- rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron
15,4 -- borde with a lever, & when it is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, &
16,1 -- gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of
18,3 -- make it to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay &
30,3 -- with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a
33,1 -- pork & seth it, & when it is half sothen chop it small, & take egges &
43,2 -- it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do it in a boll, & do þerto
48,2 -- o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall
55,1 -- sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or
60,5 -- & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth.
66,3 -- & styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle set it of & let
69,3 -- mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin &
84,10 -- it fall not down; & when it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake
84,11 -- it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre.
91,5 -- it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof
93,3 -- & let it kele, & when it is almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise
95,3 -- be no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur & take a

51,8 -- wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same

1,3 -- & make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may
2,1 -- Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk
3,2 -- of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, &
3,3 -- with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony,
3,3 -- þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress
4,3 -- morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til it be standing; &
4,3 -- alay it vp with þe brothe til it be standing; & put it in a pot with
4,3 -- brothe til it be standing; & put it in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl
4,5 -- do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam
5,3 -- bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre &
5,4 -- flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng.
5,4 -- & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in
6,3 -- & make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay
7,1 -- Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; &
7,2 -- ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with
7,2 -- gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; &
7,2 -- boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, &
7,3 -- it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, &
7,3 -- sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it
7,4 -- [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes
8,2 -- seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with
8,2 -- erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan
8,2 -- boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp & press
8,3 -- colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes
8,3 -- & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk
8,4 -- itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or
8,6 -- þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew
8,6 -- sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme
8,7 -- togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk &
9,2 -- saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in
9,2 -- medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh
9,2 -- it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it
9,3 -- in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of
10,3 -- all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof
11,3 -- .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute &
11,3 -- it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn,
11,3 -- þe boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil
11,4 -- þerin, & take a lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi
11,5 -- fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe
12,3 -- till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it
12,3 -- & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on a fote bord til
12,4 -- bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on a fote bord til it be colde; &
12,4 -- lay it on a fote bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take
12,5 -- be redy, take a part & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, &
12,6 -- & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is
12,6 -- in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard.
13,2 -- in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or on a
13,3 -- on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe
14,2 -- juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece &
14,3 -- grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise
14,3 -- sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And
14,4 -- of rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast
14,4 -- wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay,
14,5 -- cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it
15,1 -- Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, than take þe egges with þe
15,2 -- whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon;
15,2 -- do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be
15,3 -- colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do
15,3 -- ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take
15,3 -- it tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe
15,4 -- þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever, & when it
15,4 -- a borde with a lever, & when it is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves,
15,5 -- lever, & when it is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on
15,5 -- it is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, &
15,5 -- & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat
15,5 -- rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch
16,2 -- of capons or of pork & stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth of þe
16,2 -- pork & stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that it be
16,2 -- with þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or
16,4 -- grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, &
16,5 -- stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away
17,3 -- temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele
17,3 -- it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay.
18,2 -- egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when
18,2 -- & temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto
18,3 -- & make it to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay
18,4 -- galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a
19,2 -- þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it
19,2 -- pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe
19,3 -- & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike &
19,3 -- þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr
19,3 -- pike & shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of
19,5 -- & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys.
19,5 -- full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk
20,2 -- Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take
21,3 -- þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, &
22,2 -- lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger &
22,2 -- brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it
22,2 -- pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony
22,3 -- it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon.
23,1 -- To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes;
23,2 -- þe water every day twyes; than bray it in a morter right small, & clens it throgh
23,2 -- in a morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll
23,3 -- it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe
23,3 -- haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray
23,4 -- þen put onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of
23,4 -- & bray it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes,
24,4 -- smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do
24,5 -- of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh
24,6 -- [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole
24,6 -- chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls
25,6 -- powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude
25,6 -- it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng &
26,3 -- brede with þe same broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, &
26,4 -- strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, &
27,2 -- draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr
27,3 -- of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de
27,3 -- so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds
28,2 -- vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with
28,3 -- pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, &
28,4 -- þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan
28,4 -- it with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt,
28,5 -- strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof
28,5 -- & colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne.
28,6 -- so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla
29,8 -- þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, &
29,8 -- & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe
30,2 -- wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour
30,3 -- wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is
30,3 -- þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of
30,5 -- ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan
30,5 -- þe sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat
30,6 -- of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in
31,4 -- into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and
32,1 -- etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns to aly take oute part
32,1 -- Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth
32,3 -- otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a
32,3 -- þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth
33,1 -- make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is half sothen chop it small,
33,1 -- Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is half sothen chop it small, & take egges
33,2 -- & when it is half sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put
34,1 -- fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with
35,1 -- Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, &
35,2 -- & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger
36,5 -- put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of
36,5 -- & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature
38,0 -- [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it small & cast it in
38,0 -- pork & seth it wele, & hew it small & cast it in a pan, & breke
38,1 -- wele, & hew it small & cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng
38,2 -- of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede
38,2 -- saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges &
39,2 -- salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as
39,3 -- broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof.
40,4 -- powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese
40,5 -- & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys &
40,5 -- so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy.
41,2 -- saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede &
41,4 -- forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it
41,4 -- sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray
42,2 -- powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt.
43,1 -- Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do
43,2 -- dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do it in a boll, & do
43,2 -- cloth, and when it is dry do it in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur
43,3 -- juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris
43,4 -- it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam
45,3 -- salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in
45,4 -- with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake it, & serof it
45,4 -- put it in a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis
45,4 -- a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns &
46,3 -- þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof
46,3 -- & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of
47,2 -- with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij.
47,2 -- salt; & mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake
47,3 -- coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a
48,2 -- ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely
49,2 -- als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw it, & put it
49,2 -- temper it thyk with watur & draw it, & put it in a pott. And sett it
49,3 -- with watur & draw it, & put it in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre
49,3 -- put it in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when
49,3 -- sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise take it
49,3 -- fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll
49,4 -- and when it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a
49,5 -- a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn
49,8 -- oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a
49,8 -- it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute
49,9 -- soke oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer
49,9 -- temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as
49,10 -- & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, &
49,10 -- be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of
49,10 -- as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede &
50,2 -- & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v]
50,3 -- it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh
51,1 -- Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer;
51,1 -- fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it
51,2 -- euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan
51,2 -- put it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede &
51,3 -- take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte,
51,5 -- bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take
51,5 -- it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take
51,6 -- if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe
51,6 -- gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto
51,7 -- & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself,
51,8 -- rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe
51,9 -- lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt
51,10 -- grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als small
51,10 -- þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt. For
52,3 -- ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth
52,3 -- do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene
53,2 -- grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan
53,3 -- brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole
53,3 -- of egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce
53,3 -- take hony & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge,
53,4 -- it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray,
54,3 -- þat no grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce
55,2 -- & take oute þe mete & put it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide
55,3 -- þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, &
55,3 -- saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett
55,4 -- þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele,
55,4 -- seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe
55,4 -- whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd,
56,2 -- marow & creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced
56,4 -- corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges
57,1 -- calvis heds or piges heds & put it in a pan or in a pott; & put
57,2 -- & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth.
57,3 -- & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne
57,3 -- wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys
58,3 -- put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger
58,3 -- it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of canell, with mase &
58,4 -- quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the
59,2 -- skald hym in hote water, & rub it with a cloth till he be clene; & take
59,3 -- & make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; & lay it in a
59,3 -- sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast
59,3 -- it & lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of
60,4 -- ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast
60,5 -- powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it
60,5 -- boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it
60,6 -- sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, &
61,4 -- of pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen
61,5 -- & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme
61,5 -- it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow
62,1 -- Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of & kele it; þan take
62,1 -- cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds
62,2 -- it, þan take it of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe
62,5 -- cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it
62,6 -- lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and
62,6 -- .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus
62,7 -- it with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche
63,3 -- þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and
63,5 -- hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow
63,5 -- & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe
64,2 -- with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it boyle, & do a
64,3 -- & colour it with saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak
64,3 -- hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges
64,5 -- & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk &
65,2 -- draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set it on þe fyre
65,2 -- do it in þe creme & set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take
66,3 -- wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre &
66,3 -- & colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan
66,3 -- set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle
66,3 -- fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle set it of &
66,4 -- it is in poynt to welle set it of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus
66,4 -- to welle set it of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons
67,2 -- þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage
68,3 -- wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth.
68,4 -- and colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode
68,4 -- with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or
69,2 -- mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut
69,2 -- saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre,
69,3 -- set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin
69,4 -- seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle
70,4 -- grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof.
71,2 -- almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam
72,2 -- & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle
72,3 -- broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis
72,3 -- it & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam
73,2 -- mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk
73,3 -- temper it with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden
74,2 -- of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it vp with þe
74,3 -- grind it in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make
74,3 -- þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs,
74,4 -- small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of
74,4 -- chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls
76,3 -- & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day
76,4 -- olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it
76,5 -- saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell
77,3 -- þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe
77,4 -- gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh
77,4 -- maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe
78,4 -- strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds,
79,2 -- draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon
79,2 -- vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur;
79,3 -- cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce.
79,3 -- & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind
80,2 -- þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, &
80,2 -- do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or
81,1 -- make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon
81,1 -- Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede &
81,2 -- & brede & do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past
81,2 -- do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns
82,3 -- safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr
83,4 -- or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of
84,3 -- blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his
84,4 -- powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper &
84,6 -- & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald
84,7 -- cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe
84,9 -- þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it is a lityll
84,10 -- þat it fall not down; & when it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it
84,10 -- when it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it
84,10 -- a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; &
84,10 -- lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak
84,11 -- & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk &
85,1 -- owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan
85,2 -- y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, &
85,2 -- set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it
85,2 -- lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur
85,3 -- boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an
85,4 -- salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, &
85,4 -- put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched
86,4 -- clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger,
86,5 -- lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam
87,3 -- fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons,
88,1 -- Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small, & strene
88,2 -- perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in
88,4 -- canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it with a
88,4 -- it in þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere,
88,5 -- draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger,
89,1 -- rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour
89,2 -- pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it
89,2 -- saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene
89,3 -- set it on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast
89,3 -- all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of
89,5 -- & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let
89,5 -- tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, & lech it &
89,5 -- thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, & lech it & roste it on a
89,5 -- down & let it kele, & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto
89,5 -- it kele, & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof
89,6 -- gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk,
91,2 -- take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set
91,2 -- cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let
91,2 -- pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre
91,3 -- set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in
91,3 -- fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech
91,3 -- it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay
91,3 -- it wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it.
91,3 -- a crud; þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe
91,4 -- lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, &
91,4 -- it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, &
91,4 -- foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with
91,5 -- let it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur &
91,5 -- it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe
91,5 -- sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene
92,1 -- & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe,
92,4 -- pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it
93,1 -- To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of
93,2 -- egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set it on
93,2 -- wele togydyr with a stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it
93,3 -- set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe & let it kele, &
93,3 -- þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe & let it kele, & when it is
93,3 -- it; þan set it downe & let it kele, & when it is almost cold take of
93,3 -- downe & let it kele, & when it is almost cold take of þe whyte with a
93,4 -- þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh
94,2 -- mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with
94,2 -- saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it
94,3 -- welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter.
94,3 -- & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als
95,4 -- & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme;
95,5 -- sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye
95,5 -- fyre & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it
95,5 -- it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn
95,6 -- tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure
95,7 -- buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij.
95,8 -- warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe
96,3 -- & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr
96,6 -- licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof
96,6 -- & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis.
96,6 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

8,4 -- almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with

23,1 -- make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than

53,1 -- & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh

61,1 -- & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly,

43,3 -- with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by
51,7 -- grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene.

39,1 -- it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere,

14,2 -- þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a

12,5 -- & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk

55,5 -- & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, &
59,3 -- sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre
62,2 -- boyle it, þan take it of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute
68,2 -- þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a
89,5 -- &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren,
93,3 -- þan set it downe & let it kele, & when it is almost cold take of þe

21,3 -- water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth,
29,3 -- oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, &
29,3 -- þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans &
49,2 -- & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it
95,7 -- salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it
95,8 -- on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb.

51,10 -- when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt.

1,3 -- potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For

4,2 -- or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter

8,4 -- &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger &
9,1 -- it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl
38,2 -- & put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it

86,2 -- broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, &

17,1 -- fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray

83,2 -- þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of

49,6 -- men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards &

49,7 -- froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; &

29,1 -- it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald
29,7 -- with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng

13,1 -- at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat

15,5 -- a lever, & when it is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it

3,3 -- cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto
7,2 -- of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it
8,2 -- & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it
13,2 -- about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or on
21,5 -- gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, &
23,3 -- clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto
24,5 -- powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi
49,5 -- do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth
56,4 -- of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or
59,3 -- a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an
62,5 -- þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v.
63,5 -- a hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene
68,2 -- & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do
84,2 -- ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it
84,3 -- brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene
84,10 -- is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold;
85,2 -- þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll

29,1 -- it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with

84,1 -- of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65|
84,2 -- of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and
84,3 -- stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede
84,6 -- strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe
84,11 -- of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis

8,5 -- & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of
11,2 -- & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; &
11,3 -- in þe boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a
12,3 -- is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on a fote bord til it be colde;
13,1 -- make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls.
24,6 -- it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, &
27,2 -- & draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto
29,8 -- þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak
41,2 -- þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede
41,2 -- Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put on þe
51,9 -- safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron &
59,3 -- splat it & lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere
64,4 -- fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron,
91,3 -- in a crud; þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr

41,3 -- & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk, &

3,3 -- put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon,
51,1 -- or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth
89,5 -- it down & let it kele, & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast
91,3 -- till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste

8,5 -- depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet &

7,3 -- standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe
9,3 -- dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe
62,6 -- & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure of

25,5 -- & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty

48,2 -- schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or

4,1 -- anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of
12,1 -- forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode
90,1 -- sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder;

30,4 -- of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre
31,4 -- put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole,
43,3 -- þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth.
49,8 -- & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper
55,4 -- gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or
59,1 -- Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote
64,2 -- mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan
65,3 -- hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij.
66,4 -- poynt to welle set it of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd
69,4 -- to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe &
83,4 -- .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede
86,4 -- þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur,
88,5 -- & draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of
89,3 -- þan set it on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr &
89,5 -- right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, & lech it & roste it on
91,3 -- & set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap
91,4 -- roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide,
93,3 -- boyle it; þan set it downe & let it kele, & when it is almost cold take
95,5 -- [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put

91,1 -- with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, &

94,1 -- with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our,

55,4 -- not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it

15,4 -- presse it on a borde with a lever, & when it is cold lard it & sheve

15,4 -- it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with

28,4 -- cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, & seth it; &

54,3 -- grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc.

96,5 -- anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith,

88,4 -- brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let it

11,4 -- salt & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece:

21,2 -- els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam,

2,1 -- For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond
4,4 -- peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger
11,4 -- gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a

29,2 -- in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut &
84,5 -- of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre;
84,7 -- couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth
86,4 -- it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls
93,2 -- þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik

10,3 -- salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in
20,4 -- in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron
42,3 -- & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, &
49,4 -- y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle,
63,3 -- þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe
64,3 -- & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in
65,3 -- þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be
68,3 -- þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour
83,2 -- kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan
84,10 -- not down; & when it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, &
95,6 -- put it in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote

80,3 -- seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe

11,5 -- & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it
51,3 -- wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto
51,7 -- & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in
95,2 -- þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water is

6,1 -- with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere,

51,10 -- dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt. For to make

94,1 -- a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, &

5,1 -- of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh
51,1 -- buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it

13,2 -- fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or on a floore,
48,3 -- it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans
51,9 -- fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu

84,7 -- þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in

22,1 -- To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon;

56,1 -- wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe

78,3 -- & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, &

26,2 -- seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour it

6,3 -- berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme
31,5 -- pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, &
40,3 -- & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto

19,3 -- & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small, & grind
26,1 -- serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng
78,1 -- Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute

16,5 -- of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns,
77,4 -- & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng
86,3 -- in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, &

29,6 -- of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode &
88,3 -- þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it

54,1 -- it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys,

30,1 -- sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth
94,2 -- & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof

82,1 -- it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds

1,1 -- [95v] To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with
1,2 -- & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With
6,1 -- it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe
6,3 -- & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs.
7,3 -- colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys,
11,1 -- þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take
12,1 -- Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe
13,1 -- &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese
18,2 -- wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it is thyk do
19,1 -- & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r]
20,1 -- wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it
21,1 -- & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede,
22,1 -- do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell
23,1 -- with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, &
26,2 -- þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe same broth, &
30,2 -- brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon;
33,1 -- with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when
35,1 -- fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in
36,1 -- of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in
37,1 -- forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer
40,3 -- pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs &
44,3 -- bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne,
46,3 -- do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle &
48,1 -- For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard
51,7 -- juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be
52,1 -- als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in
59,3 -- take ale & water & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it
60,1 -- saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam
61,1 -- wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam
74,3 -- with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe
78,4 -- fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe
81,1 -- cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak
83,3 -- gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a
84,1 -- serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a
85,3 -- & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron,
96,1 -- & kepe it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in

55,2 -- or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete

85,4 -- þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam,

6,1 -- Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr;

61,1 -- it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan

56,2 -- of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it in a

11,3 -- .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it

58,4 -- with suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it

51,10 -- & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als small as þu

8,6 -- apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth.

58,1 -- it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry

1,3 -- saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto
21,2 -- þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in
49,7 -- þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it
84,9 -- sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it

1,2 -- muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage;

8,6 -- & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron
9,2 -- & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng,

92,1 -- & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr

47,2 -- egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn of

49,5 -- a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode

55,1 -- drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small

17,3 -- & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be

4,1 -- Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, &

40,5 -- sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de
43,4 -- let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr
79,3 -- rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof.

56,3 -- it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns

55,1 -- fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges
55,2 -- sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put it in a clene pot, & þan
55,3 -- þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe
56,1 -- styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike

49,2 -- & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw it,

96,6 -- of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns &

27,1 -- & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp

34,1 -- be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam

92,2 -- brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede

4,2 -- of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with
23,2 -- day twyes; than bray it in a morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve,
23,3 -- it be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe to it be
36,2 -- þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth & put
51,2 -- fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne
70,2 -- & salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond
74,2 -- wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a

4,1 -- blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng,

3,4 -- dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe

3,1 -- litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of

70,1 -- þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight
78,1 -- it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe

62,1 -- boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it,

84,8 -- At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe

71,1 -- on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele,

44,2 -- þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai

1,1 -- [95v] To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with
1,1 -- [95v] To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with
25,1 -- it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene,
25,1 -- dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh
25,3 -- þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe
25,4 -- þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious
31,1 -- & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to
31,1 -- & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go owte
31,3 -- put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let
31,4 -- let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, &
87,1 -- gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene &
87,1 -- serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of

51,3 -- rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe
95,1 -- Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on

11,1 -- dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, &
49,4 -- take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat

1,2 -- þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it with
2,1 -- may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele.
3,1 -- styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon,
3,1 -- Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell,
3,3 -- thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng; &
8,1 -- seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute
8,4 -- take creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour
9,1 -- forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all
12,2 -- floure & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of
12,5 -- in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes.
15,1 -- powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a
15,1 -- serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, than take þe
15,2 -- þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it
17,2 -- þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat
20,1 -- For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon
20,4 -- & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof.
22,1 -- & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it
25,3 -- þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all
28,2 -- in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out
28,4 -- & grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of
36,3 -- þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise
38,2 -- swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere,
41,3 -- of þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish
47,1 -- it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger,
58,2 -- & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, &
62,1 -- enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of & kele
64,1 -- serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of whete
64,2 -- draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it boyle,
64,5 -- .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme
65,1 -- forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a
67,3 -- do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike
69,1 -- it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, &
69,1 -- forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with
69,1 -- Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell
69,3 -- cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt
70,3 -- þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64|
71,2 -- bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in
74,3 -- morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; &
76,2 -- in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto
82,2 -- & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt;
85,1 -- oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put
89,1 -- saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan,
89,1 -- & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng egges
89,4 -- þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down
90,1 -- Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns
91,1 -- & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh
94,2 -- throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle &

68,2 -- lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer

52,3 -- or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it &

56,3 -- a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans,
87,3 -- in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder &
88,3 -- clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take

36,4 -- put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in
67,1 -- be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan

31,3 -- þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi

73,2 -- seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe

29,2 -- salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, &

13,3 -- and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh

13,1 -- it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all

13,2 -- chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on a fayre

54,2 -- gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe
95,2 -- a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put

11,5 -- fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a

11,1 -- in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks
25,6 -- & saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene.
29,8 -- lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof
55,3 -- in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth
84,6 -- & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray
84,9 -- rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it is a lityll hard prik
85,2 -- it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be

1,1 -- [95v] To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with

95,3 -- no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr

95,5 -- þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a

29,4 -- kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne &
48,1 -- a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe

79,1 -- & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene &

1,1 -- [95v] To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with
2,1 -- y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it
3,2 -- almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it
3,2 -- or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a
3,2 -- & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum
3,2 -- drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be
3,4 -- þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc.
3,4 -- lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of
4,1 -- saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur
4,1 -- for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge,
4,2 -- brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam
4,2 -- congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a
4,2 -- merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58|
4,5 -- & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe
5,3 -- þe water & seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with
6,2 -- pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of
6,2 -- salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it
6,3 -- powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of
7,1 -- as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, &
7,1 -- of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle
8,3 -- vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, &
8,3 -- it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger
8,5 -- .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and
9,1 -- serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, &
9,3 -- in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of
10,1 -- flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take
10,1 -- Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr
10,2 -- shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam
12,2 -- & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon
12,2 -- gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till
12,2 -- almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele
12,5 -- shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en
14,1 -- it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote
14,4 -- togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen
14,4 -- it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp
14,5 -- vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete
16,1 -- serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork &
16,1 -- þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it small; &
16,2 -- of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it small; & temper it with
16,2 -- small; & temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe
16,4 -- wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat
16,5 -- it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof
17,2 -- away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam
17,3 -- mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron
17,4 -- be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede &
18,1 -- podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges,
18,2 -- whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with
19,1 -- wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike
19,2 -- of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it,
19,3 -- wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small, & grind it
19,4 -- grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon;
19,4 -- & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe
20,2 -- colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete
20,2 -- a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or
20,4 -- a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure,
21,4 -- throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe
21,4 -- & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle &
24,1 -- a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place,
24,5 -- an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe &
25,1 -- put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam
25,3 -- & bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring
25,4 -- wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put
25,5 -- vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto
25,6 -- þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not
26,1 -- it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng &
26,1 -- þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam
26,2 -- þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour it with
27,2 -- water, & lay it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, &
27,2 -- floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng;
28,3 -- vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, &
28,4 -- þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong
29,5 -- whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of
29,5 -- crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of
29,5 -- & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows &
29,6 -- powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns]
29,6 -- & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole,
29,7 -- corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not
30,4 -- þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs
30,5 -- & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork &
30,6 -- þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it
30,6 -- of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls
31,2 -- þam in water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth
31,2 -- of þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put
32,2 -- it begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe
35,2 -- throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of
36,1 -- & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water,
36,4 -- all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it
37,1 -- saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper
37,1 -- Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan
38,2 -- all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, &
40,2 -- broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam
40,3 -- grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt
40,4 -- make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with
41,3 -- lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so
41,4 -- þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe
42,1 -- of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw
42,2 -- vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto
43,1 -- lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when
43,3 -- þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, &
44,3 -- take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr
44,3 -- & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur,
45,3 -- small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley
45,3 -- powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce,
46,1 -- bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in
47,1 -- & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges
47,1 -- Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, &
47,2 -- togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake
48,2 -- or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward,
48,3 -- his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of
48,4 -- with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put
49,1 -- in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam &
49,4 -- when it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll
49,4 -- haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take
49,7 -- towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe
50,1 -- serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes
50,2 -- & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin,
51,4 -- as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys
51,4 -- haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges &
51,4 -- of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be
51,6 -- þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress,
51,6 -- take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe
53,3 -- it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast
55,2 -- .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe
55,4 -- Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode
56,1 -- it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of
56,1 -- Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme
56,2 -- [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn of past,
56,2 -- almonds & put it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell,
56,3 -- past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger,
56,3 -- datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake.
56,4 -- canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes
57,1 -- þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put it in
58,1 -- & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, &
58,1 -- forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small;
58,2 -- taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr
58,4 -- & seson it with suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete,
59,4 -- a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63|
60,1 -- & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be
60,4 -- hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, &
61,2 -- þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot & cast þam on a dressour, &
61,4 -- with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe,
61,4 -- þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it
61,4 -- clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith,
61,4 -- caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it
62,1 -- be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of
62,1 -- mylk & boyle it, þan take it of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds &
62,2 -- raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in
62,4 -- sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe
62,7 -- a dysh and plant it with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes.
63,2 -- cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh &
63,4 -- wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a
64,1 -- clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of whete & draw þe flour with
64,1 -- & take þe flour of rice or of whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe
64,2 -- whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let
65,1 -- serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam
65,1 -- swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do
66,4 -- is in poynt to welle set it of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre.
68,1 -- & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam
68,3 -- mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with
68,3 -- þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle
69,1 -- boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk,
70,1 -- & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam
70,4 -- boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash
72,3 -- ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in
74,2 -- soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a
74,3 -- & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do
74,3 -- it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet
75,1 -- & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis &
76,2 -- cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth
77,3 -- brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto
77,3 -- þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to
78,3 -- grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do
80,1 -- Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto
82,1 -- makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger,
82,2 -- blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it
83,2 -- tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde
83,4 -- & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe &
84,1 -- Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat
84,4 -- vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast
84,5 -- it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it
84,6 -- lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym
84,8 -- in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd
84,10 -- & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh
84,11 -- þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it,
85,4 -- & serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, &
87,2 -- pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our &
88,5 -- boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To
89,4 -- into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do þam in
90,2 -- þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle
92,2 -- it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon
92,2 -- of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards
93,2 -- a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele
93,4 -- & when it is almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth.
96,3 -- a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour
96,3 -- part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto
96,4 -- with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe
96,4 -- þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe flour of
96,4 -- powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre
96,5 -- & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en
96,5 -- þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold
96,5 -- of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp

37,3 -- to a frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork

76,4 -- & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon,

67,1 -- onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan

12,4 -- thyk take it vp & lay it on a fote bord til it be colde; & when
13,2 -- nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or on a floore, and within
13,3 -- ly styll on a fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be
15,4 -- þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever, & when it is
15,5 -- is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof
15,5 -- sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is
21,1 -- a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu
29,3 -- & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind
35,2 -- strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make
41,3 -- a layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw;
45,1 -- þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, &
48,2 -- þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne
61,2 -- oute of the pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew
63,2 -- cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer
63,3 -- dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put
65,2 -- it in þe creme & set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon
69,2 -- þan take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, &
69,3 -- it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to
70,4 -- saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce,
76,3 -- seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle
76,4 -- whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto
78,1 -- to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver,
89,2 -- & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all
89,5 -- kele, & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it
91,2 -- fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it
91,2 -- & cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it
91,3 -- crud; þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide
93,3 -- togydyr with a stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe
95,2 -- in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer
95,7 -- it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold

3,4 -- & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for

23,3 -- stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe to
31,3 -- to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into

31,4 -- muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls
36,4 -- þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr
52,3 -- wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it & serof
59,5 -- powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons.
67,1 -- standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take
67,2 -- þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys, &
87,4 -- þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast
88,3 -- þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr

45,1 -- Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop

1,3 -- & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing
3,1 -- it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, &
4,1 -- Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of
4,2 -- of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with
5,2 -- þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water
6,2 -- safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make
8,3 -- press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto
8,5 -- with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure
10,1 -- borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast
11,2 -- & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is
12,2 -- of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be
13,2 -- it ly styll on a fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall
14,3 -- & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with
14,4 -- thyk it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it
16,2 -- Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it small; & temper it
16,3 -- wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind
16,3 -- þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon
20,3 -- tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, &
21,1 -- Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu
24,1 -- be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in
24,1 -- Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam &
30,2 -- Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make
30,6 -- take þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof
32,3 -- þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof
34,1 -- And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr
34,1 -- it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry
44,2 -- clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene
44,3 -- vp & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with
44,4 -- of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof.
47,1 -- forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon,
48,2 -- þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards
48,4 -- & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his
50,3 -- brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take
51,3 -- it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as
51,6 -- it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of
51,6 -- or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak
52,2 -- hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small
55,1 -- in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew
56,1 -- kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take
57,1 -- bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put it in a pan or
57,2 -- heds & put it in a pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs &
58,1 -- it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam
60,2 -- til þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl
60,3 -- resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur
60,3 -- þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony
60,4 -- wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it,
61,4 -- brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay
61,4 -- of caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle
62,6 -- be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with
64,1 -- mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of whete & draw þe flour with sum of
65,4 -- tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe
66,1 -- & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh
69,1 -- Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon;
74,2 -- & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter &
77,2 -- shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with
80,3 -- & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast
80,3 -- it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce
80,3 -- & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron &
83,3 -- þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; &
95,7 -- butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To

36,1 -- salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan
36,1 -- serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam
72,1 -- serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene water.
72,3 -- temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, &
77,1 -- þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth
77,1 -- it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or
77,3 -- flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs,

32,3 -- & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon,

37,2 -- of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann
44,3 -- make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, &
48,4 -- clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely
51,2 -- seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it
80,3 -- fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof.

13,1 -- forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr
58,3 -- saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder
85,2 -- & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen

49,3 -- it in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it
66,3 -- colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it
87,2 -- þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it

28,3 -- þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast
32,2 -- oute part of þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele

5,3 -- boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in broth of flesh,
11,3 -- is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, &
14,2 -- cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot & put þerto
29,2 -- a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode;
32,2 -- & when it begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth & take out pork, &
36,2 -- þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in a
40,3 -- part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of
41,1 -- almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt.
45,2 -- & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges &
49,7 -- of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe
49,9 -- a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne,
54,3 -- þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops
55,2 -- malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put it in a clene pot,
61,2 -- boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot & cast þam on a dressour,
61,3 -- cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam
62,2 -- þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, &
78,2 -- seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a
83,2 -- & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll
84,11 -- when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle
87,2 -- & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our

84,11 -- is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene

31,2 -- seth þam in water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a part of þe

46,3 -- it in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow
67,1 -- Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe
76,4 -- flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it
90,3 -- & fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk &

72,1 -- sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth

15,1 -- swete mylk & do it in a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete
24,5 -- it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v]
38,1 -- it small & cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; &
57,2 -- piges heds & put it in a pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs
89,1 -- swete mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon
89,3 -- & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam
92,3 -- & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To
95,2 -- watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe

24,3 -- a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, &
37,2 -- þan cast þam in to a frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof].

64,3 -- water & well it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard

64,1 -- lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of

12,4 -- when þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam
16,1 -- & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork
31,2 -- owte of þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland
32,2 -- when it begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth & take out pork, & stren
40,2 -- gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd
96,3 -- throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, &

17,2 -- kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes
46,2 -- & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; &

44,2 -- wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam

12,1 -- for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure
56,3 -- & put it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre
82,1 -- press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd
84,1 -- Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym

45,4 -- powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of

50,1 -- wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam;

85,3 -- þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff

32,3 -- þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth.

44,1 -- forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or
83,1 -- Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan
84,6 -- þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn &

6,1 -- Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon,

51,2 -- wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter

24,2 -- turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with
60,3 -- þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte
69,2 -- wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it
91,2 -- sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on þe

11,1 -- Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam

4,4 -- & put it in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse
37,1 -- Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in
48,4 -- & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer
57,2 -- pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it
59,4 -- chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To
72,2 -- & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with
73,2 -- in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper
81,2 -- it & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry
84,5 -- browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be
87,4 -- þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger &
88,3 -- fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede
96,4 -- put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys

10,2 -- & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a lityll
22,2 -- colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard
24,5 -- erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom
31,4 -- þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell
63,2 -- on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set

21,5 -- þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin

86,3 -- þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces,

36,1 -- make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan
45,1 -- [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr &

25,5 -- vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60|

11,3 -- & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay it

88,1 -- serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small, &

54,1 -- serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, &
59,4 -- an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make
73,2 -- þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth,

44,4 -- or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe &
46,2 -- þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices;

44,1 -- by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take
75,2 -- appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, &

6,3 -- cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe

17,2 -- do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper

6,2 -- þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto

12,6 -- almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese

1,3 -- it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk.

44,1 -- mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne &
54,2 -- sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew

30,6 -- fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth.

61,4 -- take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it vp

57,1 -- Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put it in a pan or in

19,1 -- a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch
19,2 -- Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike,
19,2 -- wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of
19,3 -- clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small, & grind it wele, &
24,4 -- wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it
25,1 -- Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take
28,3 -- with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, &
31,3 -- þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons,
46,2 -- rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd
56,1 -- Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow &
68,1 -- serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to
78,2 -- & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw
86,3 -- wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto
87,1 -- forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells;

21,1 -- & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if þu

40,3 -- thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure

24,1 -- Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh

62,6 -- or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure of violets, & serof it forth.

9,3 -- vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis

25,5 -- & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth

17,4 -- it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede
19,4 -- & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt &

19,1 -- þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe
19,2 -- Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape

19,5 -- clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth.

20,2 -- & colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd &
30,4 -- fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe
68,3 -- almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it

8,2 -- and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it
16,2 -- Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it small; & temper it with þe
30,6 -- þe capon broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth.
32,1 -- þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns to aly
32,2 -- part of þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small,
33,1 -- it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is half sothen
33,2 -- egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece.
38,0 -- bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it small &
61,4 -- broth of caponis or of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, &
91,2 -- & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, &

4,3 -- be standing; & put it in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil,
14,2 -- wrong oute; þan do it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure,
55,3 -- mete & put it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete.
55,4 -- it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, &
61,2 -- & þan take þam oute of the pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute
70,3 -- mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon
76,2 -- a cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of
88,2 -- broth with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small
93,1 -- Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a

1,2 -- with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with
14,1 -- dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, &
36,1 -- gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr
62,5 -- þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj.
68,1 -- disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash
85,5 -- serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw

49,3 -- draw it, & put it in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it
55,1 -- mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam
57,2 -- it in a pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon &

8,5 -- in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, &
95,6 -- a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt

21,4 -- broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat
29,5 -- with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr
45,3 -- þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, &
58,3 -- fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in
70,4 -- & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, &
80,2 -- temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys
82,2 -- of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof
84,5 -- til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat

59,4 -- in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof.

6,2 -- flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as

4,4 -- litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng.
10,2 -- & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put
14,5 -- it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe
24,5 -- into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe
26,3 -- it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole.
27,2 -- with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be
28,5 -- seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so
29,6 -- gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance
35,2 -- it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage
36,4 -- bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof
41,4 -- enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds.
42,2 -- þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast
43,2 -- do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne,
44,4 -- or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, &
60,4 -- pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng,
77,3 -- do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it
78,4 -- & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof.
84,4 -- þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, &
88,5 -- it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof.
96,4 -- saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe flour

45,4 -- curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake
46,3 -- & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls, &
56,3 -- of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of
56,4 -- of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe
63,2 -- & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh
83,2 -- þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make
96,5 -- flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it

16,5 -- bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, &
25,6 -- small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not to
40,4 -- a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs

66,3 -- it wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle set it of & let it be
69,3 -- þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it

45,2 -- Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges

8,3 -- saferon, & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow
61,3 -- & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray
62,2 -- it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam,
81,2 -- & do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in

15,4 -- take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever, & when

60,4 -- whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger

84,10 -- & when it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of

14,1 -- schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam
14,1 -- nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in

50,1 -- haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan

3,3 -- it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat
4,3 -- þe brothe til it be standing; & put it in a pot with peper & saferon &
5,3 -- to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in broth of
5,4 -- seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof
8,4 -- of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, &
10,2 -- gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it
14,2 -- þan do it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle
23,3 -- it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe
24,6 -- in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe
25,4 -- muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of
31,2 -- þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth to whyte brede &
31,3 -- broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put
31,3 -- þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth;
31,4 -- mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr
31,5 -- and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork &
32,2 -- out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it
33,2 -- & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in
35,2 -- & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To
36,3 -- cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons &
36,4 -- onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon,
38,1 -- egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, &
41,3 -- lay a layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have
45,4 -- it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake it, & serof
48,3 -- y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis &
48,5 -- or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds.
49,3 -- thyk with watur & draw it, & put it in a pott. And sett it oure þe
51,2 -- tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it with almondes;
51,4 -- als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take
51,7 -- small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke
54,2 -- saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat
55,2 -- fast, & take oute þe mete & put it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe
56,2 -- fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith
57,1 -- of calvis heds or piges heds & put it in a pan or in a pott; &
57,2 -- a pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, &
58,2 -- þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer
62,3 -- same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of
63,3 -- coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for
63,4 -- tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth
66,2 -- a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set
76,3 -- with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto
76,3 -- þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on
85,1 -- boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but
85,4 -- paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in
87,3 -- stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam
89,2 -- þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre &
95,3 -- & when þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse &
95,5 -- stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll watur &
96,2 -- strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a
96,4 -- sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij
96,6 -- brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene

5,1 -- forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij.
88,2 -- a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons,

24,1 -- dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis.

60,2 -- þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan

49,8 -- corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a boll;

2,1 -- pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre

95,2 -- fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in
96,3 -- iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put
96,4 -- it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of
96,5 -- of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede &

58,4 -- & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To
77,4 -- cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng &

96,7 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

83,1 -- salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene,
83,1 -- it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe

54,1 -- Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse,

29,6 -- powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of

17,1 -- serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert
29,4 -- & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne
45,3 -- þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre
46,1 -- forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam &
48,3 -- ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull
56,3 -- mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it
75,1 -- gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon,
79,1 -- salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene
79,3 -- water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth
90,2 -- temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour with

52,2 -- hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast
57,2 -- or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it
62,2 -- of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v]

11,2 -- þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in

84,9 -- [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; &

3,1 -- flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice,
4,1 -- of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper
5,1 -- & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in
6,1 -- & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe take
7,1 -- of brede as it is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure of
8,1 -- in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth
9,1 -- þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur &
10,1 -- playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop
12,1 -- .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk
14,1 -- be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele
15,1 -- galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, than
16,1 -- forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it
17,1 -- & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, &
18,1 -- & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys &
19,2 -- in a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene,
20,1 -- serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron
21,1 -- sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if
22,1 -- þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, &
23,1 -- & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe
24,1 -- to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut
25,1 -- in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, &
26,1 -- & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe
27,1 -- salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with
28,1 -- serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon &
29,1 -- & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt,
30,1 -- To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede,
31,1 -- þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go
32,1 -- put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns to
33,1 -- serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is half
34,1 -- fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung
35,1 -- þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene
36,1 -- & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak
37,1 -- serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon,
38,0 -- & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it small
39,1 -- togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, &
40,1 -- þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam
41,1 -- anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with
42,1 -- & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp
43,1 -- þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth,
44,1 -- & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne
45,1 -- & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe
46,1 -- & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, &
47,1 -- in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do
49,1 -- bely a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam
50,1 -- it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take
53,1 -- bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a
54,1 -- þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, &
56,1 -- & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn;
57,1 -- gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put
58,1 -- be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam
60,1 -- ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in
61,1 -- serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, &
62,1 -- till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take
63,1 -- serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast
64,1 -- it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice
65,1 -- mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges,
66,1 -- in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes &
67,1 -- it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff,
68,1 -- almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, &
69,1 -- & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour
70,1 -- it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene &
71,1 -- powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, &
72,1 -- & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene
73,1 -- & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam;
74,1 -- bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour
75,1 -- it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris;
76,1 -- & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth,
77,1 -- serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne
78,1 -- standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam
79,1 -- standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, &
80,1 -- florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, &
81,1 -- þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele, &
82,1 -- & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of
83,1 -- & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam
84,1 -- sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan
85,1 -- it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks &
86,1 -- forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh
87,1 -- & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute
88,1 -- & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop
89,1 -- & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, &
90,1 -- & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan
91,1 -- oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take
92,1 -- serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it
93,1 -- & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, & cast
94,1 -- sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do
95,1 -- & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as
96,1 -- & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be

20,3 -- & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle
44,1 -- perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin,
51,3 -- with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu
51,8 -- þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders;
60,3 -- þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode
66,1 -- serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a

12,4 -- be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do it in þe cofyns

31,2 -- þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan

17,1 -- clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels,

60,3 -- þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn

80,1 -- it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper

3,2 -- mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe
27,2 -- & lay it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt
28,4 -- togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr,
29,6 -- of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of]
64,1 -- cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of whete & draw þe flour with sum
68,1 -- gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene,
68,1 -- mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth

23,2 -- twyes; than bray it in a morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, &
89,5 -- þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele,

6,1 -- it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same
14,4 -- & thyk it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress
49,4 -- it wele; and when it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan

80,3 -- salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, &

15,5 -- it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale
29,3 -- þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece;
60,2 -- or cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg
89,1 -- & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a

54,3 -- agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe
89,5 -- let it kele, & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, &
91,4 -- & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole,

15,1 -- of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan,

56,1 -- Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre

84,1 -- bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray

83,3 -- Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn,

41,1 -- with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute

59,2 -- & skald hym in hote water, & rub it with a cloth till he be clene; &

48,4 -- peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in

27,1 -- comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam
71,1 -- cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam
71,1 -- of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast
74,2 -- hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter
77,3 -- & alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr

30,4 -- & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele til

5,1 -- gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam
30,5 -- it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth

5,1 -- powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, &
5,1 -- serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii.
7,1 -- almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle &
12,2 -- mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai
17,3 -- & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr

46,1 -- & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam

80,1 -- & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede,

6,2 -- & make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; &
48,2 -- same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it
51,8 -- hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte
84,7 -- cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with

1,3 -- a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe
3,4 -- þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure or
4,4 -- it in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, &
5,4 -- put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe &
7,2 -- stir it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it
8,3 -- it do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an
8,4 -- þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a
9,2 -- kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it
15,3 -- þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene
16,4 -- creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron
19,4 -- & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele,
22,2 -- in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, &
24,5 -- & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it wele,
25,6 -- do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng, &
30,3 -- a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it
31,5 -- to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe
32,3 -- or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe
36,5 -- powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe
37,2 -- make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a
38,2 -- þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof.
39,2 -- þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it
41,2 -- oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne;
45,3 -- Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it
47,2 -- almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do it
57,2 -- & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be
59,4 -- vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop
62,4 -- all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn,
63,2 -- a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with
64,2 -- of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony
65,3 -- fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let
66,3 -- put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr it
68,4 -- of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of
69,2 -- cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on small
70,4 -- ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of
72,2 -- þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth
73,2 -- & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with
74,2 -- Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind
75,2 -- & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam
76,5 -- do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v]
78,4 -- do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns
79,3 -- it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with
81,2 -- hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it &
87,5 -- þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh
88,6 -- cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete
89,2 -- swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe
94,2 -- do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; &
94,3 -- mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr

96,4 -- quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper

82,2 -- mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces

20,2 -- almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of

26,1 -- of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water;
55,3 -- a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not
58,2 -- thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre,
95,6 -- with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; &

48,2 -- safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly

6,2 -- manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, &
28,1 -- & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon
28,2 -- & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne
28,3 -- almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it

10,2 -- powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn &
11,4 -- cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover
19,4 -- of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle
25,6 -- plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof
26,4 -- & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds &
27,3 -- do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth.
28,5 -- þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it be
29,2 -- lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut
29,2 -- salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take
29,7 -- & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe
35,2 -- & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs
38,2 -- & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges
39,2 -- & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, &
40,4 -- brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be
41,2 -- wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a
42,3 -- bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry
43,2 -- it in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe
45,3 -- & do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr
47,2 -- do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do it in a
59,3 -- clene; & take ale & water & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it &
63,2 -- þam in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat
70,2 -- clene & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam
70,4 -- pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on
71,2 -- & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs,
72,3 -- þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis,
77,4 -- þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng & serof.
78,4 -- þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh
79,3 -- alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it
80,2 -- with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches
82,2 -- cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte.
84,5 -- cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to
85,3 -- be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis,
86,4 -- cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls,
87,5 -- & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle
88,6 -- powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk &
95,7 -- saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise

1,3 -- or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour
6,1 -- Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or
26,3 -- make a lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto
36,3 -- a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon &
48,1 -- y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche
51,8 -- sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay
62,3 -- bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur
66,2 -- draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with
87,3 -- fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper,
88,4 -- fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let

54,1 -- cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode
59,3 -- water & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; & lay

54,1 -- Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe

54,1 -- & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic,

63,4 -- lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in

35,1 -- fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, &
54,3 -- leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in
80,3 -- or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele,

49,10 -- whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue

39,2 -- & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth &

51,8 -- þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly

7,3 -- wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r]

8,6 -- þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof
40,4 -- do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth
44,2 -- take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn
96,3 -- of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a

55,3 -- hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot,

16,2 -- temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with

52,1 -- wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw &

48,3 -- turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of

13,3 -- a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes
48,1 -- it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe

59,1 -- serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede to

36,2 -- fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan

95,7 -- & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe

24,6 -- saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours &

19,2 -- þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take

51,5 -- þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it

4,5 -- & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke
5,4 -- sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam
8,6 -- masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk
11,5 -- þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn.
12,6 -- dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer
14,5 -- & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do
15,5 -- & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe
16,5 -- & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do
18,4 -- & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in
19,5 -- pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond
20,4 -- cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam
21,5 -- boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais
22,3 -- seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix
24,7 -- sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, &
25,6 -- seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng
26,4 -- þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam,
27,3 -- salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray
28,6 -- alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray &
29,8 -- standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth.
30,6 -- pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam
32,3 -- paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork &
34,2 -- swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe
35,2 -- on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole
36,5 -- gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make
38,2 -- bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam
39,3 -- & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and
41,4 -- with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched &
44,4 -- sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns
45,4 -- in a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns
46,3 -- balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk or
49,10 -- softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede
50,3 -- fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne &
52,3 -- & do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, &
53,4 -- bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop &
57,3 -- it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or of
58,4 -- & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in
59,5 -- peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons
60,6 -- is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis,
62,7 -- plant it with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, &
63,5 -- erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take
64,5 -- dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk
65,4 -- .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take
66,4 -- of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in
67,3 -- in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam &
68,4 -- it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk
69,4 -- brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, &
70,5 -- & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray
71,2 -- þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell
72,3 -- boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut
73,3 -- with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, &
74,5 -- it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces,
75,3 -- a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh
76,5 -- with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, &
77,4 -- seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with
78,4 -- & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam
79,4 -- forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of
80,4 -- fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it
82,3 -- gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces &
83,5 -- clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd
84,10 -- it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is
85,4 -- & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe
86,5 -- a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike
87,5 -- þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in
88,6 -- gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it
89,6 -- a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes
90,3 -- batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder,
91,5 -- & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, &
92,4 -- þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do
93,4 -- of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam
94,3 -- stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water,
96,6 -- þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

7,4 -- vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges

10,3 -- & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale

58,3 -- styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of canell, with mase

91,5 -- breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth with

30,3 -- & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon
63,3 -- couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute
65,2 -- þan do it in þe creme & set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan
66,3 -- hony & colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, &
66,4 -- whan it is in poynt to welle set it of & let it be standyng & serof.
69,3 -- & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in
85,2 -- egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle,
87,2 -- þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede &
89,2 -- with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let it boyle, &
89,5 -- mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, & lech it
91,2 -- small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, &
93,2 -- it wele togydyr with a stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set
93,3 -- on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe & let it kele, & when it
95,2 -- als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan

1,1 -- [95v] To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with
5,2 -- in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle.
5,3 -- fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre
8,2 -- mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll
21,2 -- þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan
22,3 -- bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make
24,3 -- þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike
25,1 -- serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp
25,6 -- of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth.
26,2 -- þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede
28,2 -- almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk
28,4 -- ley it with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure &
31,1 -- it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go owte of þe
31,4 -- þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do
32,1 -- lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns to aly take oute
33,1 -- To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is half sothen chop it
38,0 -- & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it small & cast it
44,2 -- gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele
51,1 -- Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put
52,2 -- hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale
53,1 -- serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast
55,4 -- bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, &
59,1 -- in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let
60,1 -- a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in clene water, or
68,2 -- pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele &
69,3 -- & when it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, &
72,1 -- Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede
73,1 -- elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede
76,1 -- þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do
76,3 -- dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh
77,1 -- Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam &
77,4 -- of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on
78,2 -- codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones
79,2 -- & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt,
80,2 -- & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis
81,1 -- To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper &
87,1 -- Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh
94,2 -- cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it
96,1 -- make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take

18,2 -- it with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces:
24,6 -- pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in

91,4 -- & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it is

23,3 -- & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it in
49,3 -- & put it in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and

95,4 -- water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen

62,5 -- egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it,

24,6 -- þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of
30,2 -- it as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when
30,3 -- wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take
30,5 -- let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth &
54,2 -- garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; &
55,2 -- & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put

29,8 -- it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell

59,3 -- & water & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; &

72,1 -- forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper
77,1 -- [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur;

87,2 -- clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam

31,2 -- water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth to whyte

60,3 -- syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne

15,5 -- when it is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn,

1,2 -- Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, &
10,1 -- draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger &
19,3 -- take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto

12,5 -- in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, &
15,5 -- cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it
20,2 -- and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne
20,3 -- whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of
50,1 -- & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe

24,2 -- or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a
29,2 -- sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl
59,2 -- & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub it with a
84,6 -- not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym

92,2 -- buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells
93,4 -- cold take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges &

95,3 -- in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water

95,5 -- & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be

56,1 -- wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds

29,1 -- Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in

11,1 -- forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre
24,4 -- take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a

10,2 -- capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr
16,2 -- capons or of pork & stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth of þe saym,
19,3 -- lyver of þe pike & shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of
23,2 -- than bray it in a morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat
25,5 -- whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon
28,3 -- out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley
32,3 -- stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, &
33,2 -- when it is half sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat
36,2 -- þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam
38,0 -- & seth it wele, & hew it small & cast it in a pan, & breke egges
40,3 -- þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede & of
45,2 -- pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon &
51,7 -- or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto &
51,10 -- mast kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche.
52,3 -- a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it & serof it
55,1 -- þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of
58,2 -- & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe
61,3 -- press oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere
69,2 -- take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when
74,4 -- whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, &
78,2 -- oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe
88,2 -- it in fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to
88,3 -- pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; &
89,4 -- hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be
91,2 -- pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on

95,3 -- fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put in

30,5 -- & styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe

21,2 -- have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne

11,1 -- a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed,
16,4 -- almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of
27,3 -- þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre
28,5 -- & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray
40,4 -- þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with
41,3 -- brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with
63,5 -- in a hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe

84,8 -- mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin,

74,1 -- serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or

22,3 -- & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, &
44,2 -- þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup of
51,8 -- it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe
56,1 -- let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r]
60,6 -- annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For
91,2 -- swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast

49,10 -- with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth.
60,2 -- wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam in a syve
96,2 -- seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh

49,9 -- vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte

80,3 -- wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron

79,4 -- mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with

20,1 -- & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with

41,1 -- it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng
85,4 -- take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it

85,1 -- enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges

67,1 -- & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle

4,2 -- Recipe brothe of congure or of merlyng, sothen of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty
14,4 -- or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr
33,1 -- seth it, & when it is half sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam;
61,5 -- þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk &

51,6 -- haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els

37,2 -- flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann with
46,3 -- clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam in

59,3 -- salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; & lay it in

21,1 -- To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh,

48,4 -- corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll,

18,3 -- when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof
75,1 -- of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour

29,3 -- þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f]

16,2 -- flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth of

43,3 -- [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in

49,5 -- lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode

4,3 -- vp with þe brothe til it be standing; & put it in a pot with peper &
7,3 -- with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in

3,3 -- & lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech
6,1 -- saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe
9,2 -- togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys,
20,1 -- to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon of
25,6 -- & salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe
27,3 -- sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe
28,6 -- it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a
29,8 -- Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth.
40,5 -- it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys.
62,6 -- stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in
65,4 -- & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh &
66,4 -- set it of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry
77,4 -- salt, & seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng &
78,4 -- powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, &

83,4 -- bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe

23,1 -- serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every day
35,1 -- make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth,
84,2 -- hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in
87,3 -- þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced
88,4 -- & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it with

16,5 -- & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike.
93,2 -- & bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it;

7,2 -- þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres;
57,2 -- eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it

62,5 -- downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress

21,2 -- on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts;

23,3 -- throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter
95,5 -- & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in

94,2 -- & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth.

40,3 -- þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a

83,3 -- enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns &
84,8 -- a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, &

88,1 -- gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr
88,1 -- & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small,

32,2 -- þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else

15,3 -- boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in
30,4 -- a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe
35,2 -- brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of
53,1 -- Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth;
84,3 -- lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode
85,1 -- Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it
88,2 -- fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot,
89,3 -- þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn
92,1 -- with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a
94,1 -- it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk
96,2 -- þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a

62,4 -- saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in

15,4 -- þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever, &

86,2 -- grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take
87,2 -- þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr
88,2 -- small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh,
88,5 -- same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto
94,1 -- Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon,

70,3 -- a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a

8,6 -- medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe
16,5 -- togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows &
17,3 -- ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of
20,4 -- of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe

76,5 -- sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in

78,4 -- broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng &

49,6 -- ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe

26,3 -- colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce
28,5 -- & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet
84,6 -- a lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr

85,4 -- make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner

30,2 -- & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew, &

13,2 -- grene nettyls. [96v] And lat it ly styll on a fayre borde or on a floore, and

49,3 -- And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise take
55,4 -- it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe.
58,3 -- & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with
66,3 -- & set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt to
85,2 -- but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto
95,4 -- buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to

2,1 -- Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow
30,5 -- eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, &
91,3 -- þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan

34,2 -- Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof.

71,2 -- þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete.

47,2 -- of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do
58,3 -- ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs &

9,1 -- creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it
11,4 -- in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid
42,2 -- & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt,
43,2 -- a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of]
44,4 -- swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts
60,4 -- wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr
62,4 -- & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened
76,4 -- day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger,
77,4 -- ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be
79,3 -- with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres &
83,2 -- cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe
83,4 -- els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make
85,3 -- tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it
86,4 -- boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in
89,6 -- it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour
91,5 -- is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe
92,4 -- donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony,

8,6 -- poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron &
14,3 -- put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe
20,4 -- mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes &
22,3 -- egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe
28,5 -- it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat

27,2 -- rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof
45,3 -- rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre

5,4 -- in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth.
41,4 -- þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell
56,3 -- mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan

3,2 -- & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it
64,2 -- of whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon &

74,1 -- & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, &

8,1 -- dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork
15,1 -- & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, than take
18,1 -- Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele,
44,3 -- a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do
60,3 -- byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur &
62,2 -- it of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey
65,1 -- þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, &
69,1 -- of Mylk. Recipe gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan
89,1 -- salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng

34,2 -- or barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make

33,2 -- chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges &
38,1 -- a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a
39,1 -- Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon &
50,2 -- þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it
89,1 -- & do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put
91,1 -- serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele &

60,1 -- ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai

44,3 -- wele take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd

23,3 -- small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen
60,2 -- clene water, or cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in

58,2 -- of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds &

21,3 -- in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw
36,2 -- & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam
51,7 -- of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll
64,3 -- & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in a frying panne; þan
83,2 -- & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop
84,2 -- a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take
84,11 -- cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk

6,2 -- make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast
8,3 -- and colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of
8,3 -- take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle
10,2 -- or of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr &
11,1 -- cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a
11,2 -- a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes
11,3 -- When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits in a
11,4 -- it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, &
11,4 -- sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it, & fry þam in
12,1 -- Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse
12,3 -- chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on a fote bord
12,4 -- colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do it in þe cofyns &
15,1 -- & do it in a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder,
15,3 -- thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on
19,3 -- þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small,
20,2 -- safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte
24,3 -- half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take
24,4 -- þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into
25,2 -- clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of
25,2 -- wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh
25,5 -- & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small,
28,2 -- Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw
29,2 -- cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe
30,4 -- bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam
30,5 -- it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell
32,2 -- it, & when it begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth & take out pork,
32,2 -- take oute part of þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in
33,2 -- is half sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with
39,2 -- þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it
41,2 -- & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu
44,1 -- Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe
44,3 -- þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or
45,2 -- oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt
49,4 -- wele; and when it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do
49,5 -- & lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62|
50,2 -- of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn
51,1 -- & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl
51,3 -- morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke
51,4 -- of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to
51,5 -- And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete
51,6 -- take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, &
53,3 -- alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast it þeron, &
55,1 -- Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full
55,2 -- of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put it in a clene
56,2 -- & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it
58,2 -- þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne
59,2 -- a cloth till he be clene; & take ale & water & salt & make a sharp
60,3 -- shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or
60,4 -- & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin
61,2 -- hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot & cast þam on
61,4 -- & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of pork
62,1 -- of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of & kele it; þan take swete raw
62,2 -- take it of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of
62,4 -- put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe
64,1 -- forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of whete & draw
65,3 -- þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur &
66,1 -- Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with
67,2 -- fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede
69,2 -- & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, &
74,4 -- þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it
83,4 -- cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To
84,2 -- fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat
84,4 -- strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto
85,3 -- & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put
86,2 -- gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh
87,3 -- & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth;
88,4 -- peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure,
89,4 -- [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, &
90,2 -- almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with
91,1 -- & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small
93,4 -- kele, & when it is almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it
95,3 -- ny hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe
95,4 -- tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it
96,2 -- in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth.
96,5 -- a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put

59,1 -- seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym

45,1 -- do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs,
75,1 -- þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis

48,3 -- y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin

16,2 -- of pork & stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that it
17,2 -- apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe
18,2 -- of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe, &
49,2 -- þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw it, & put
49,9 -- water soke oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a
72,2 -- peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, &
73,2 -- saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole it & serof.
74,2 -- & grind it in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, &
80,2 -- grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt,
90,1 -- Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance

24,1 -- it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam
59,1 -- & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede

61,2 -- many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot &

5,2 -- than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put
12,3 -- of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk
31,1 -- muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a part
44,2 -- sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a
60,2 -- Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam in
65,4 -- fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a
68,2 -- wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond
96,2 -- crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs

22,1 -- make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors

1,2 -- of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make
1,2 -- & then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; &
4,2 -- of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay
4,4 -- pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr
4,4 -- & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it
5,1 -- Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters,
5,2 -- ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam
5,2 -- .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And
6,1 -- forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto brothe of
10,1 -- of capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes,
10,2 -- & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne,
10,3 -- fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns
11,2 -- take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take
11,5 -- a lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght
12,2 -- of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it
12,5 -- do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of
12,5 -- & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates,
14,1 -- Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll
14,1 -- prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele
15,2 -- þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour
17,2 -- gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng
17,2 -- paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre
18,2 -- aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it
20,3 -- take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves
21,1 -- make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if
21,2 -- stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne &
21,3 -- may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan tak
24,2 -- pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry
24,2 -- place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe,
24,2 -- þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam
24,2 -- Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann,
24,2 -- dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre &
24,3 -- half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam
24,4 -- & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh
25,1 -- Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with
25,1 -- Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes
25,2 -- þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, &
25,2 -- vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with
25,5 -- þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs &
26,2 -- gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur
26,2 -- saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede with
27,1 -- forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay it
27,1 -- Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp with floure
29,4 -- þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts
30,4 -- gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew,
31,1 -- forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go owte of þe shels;
33,2 -- it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry
33,3 -- þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe
34,2 -- such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede
36,1 -- Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop
36,2 -- perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in
36,2 -- water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast
36,2 -- oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same
36,3 -- bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk
37,2 -- & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann with batur & ole
37,3 -- pann with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it
39,1 -- Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt;
40,1 -- serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with
40,2 -- vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do
40,2 -- þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd
40,3 -- cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede &
41,1 -- Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast
41,1 -- Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon &
42,1 -- of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto
42,2 -- almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger
44,1 -- Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs.
44,3 -- & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or of
45,2 -- & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon
46,1 -- Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with
46,2 -- & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene,
46,2 -- in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto
46,3 -- & make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme
49,1 -- Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, &
49,2 -- blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk
50,1 -- Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam,
50,2 -- take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in
51,5 -- take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if
53,1 -- it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam
53,1 -- Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; &
53,2 -- strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd
55,2 -- small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take
55,2 -- fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put it
58,1 -- of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk
58,2 -- hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put
60,1 -- Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in clene water, or cast
60,2 -- be softe in clene water, or cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam &
60,2 -- cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis;
60,2 -- in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take
60,3 -- & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or
61,1 -- Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot
61,2 -- & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot & cast þam on a
61,2 -- þam oute of the pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water &
61,3 -- & press oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take
61,3 -- water & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis
62,3 -- þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle
62,3 -- wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and
63,1 -- Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon
64,4 -- þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a
65,2 -- mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme
65,3 -- set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll
65,3 -- with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or
66,2 -- rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put
67,1 -- Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle
68,1 -- Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai
68,1 -- Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat
68,2 -- þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast
68,2 -- seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto
70,1 -- serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in
70,1 -- Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in water & salt, &
70,2 -- wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in a
70,2 -- þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our
70,2 -- grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do
70,3 -- streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated
71,1 -- serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk,
71,1 -- Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt,
72,1 -- Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper &
72,1 -- Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede &
73,1 -- Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper &
73,1 -- & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede &
74,4 -- þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto,
75,2 -- spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in
75,2 -- rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn &
75,2 -- & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof.
75,3 -- do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, &
76,1 -- Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot,
76,2 -- frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with
77,1 -- Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind
77,2 -- Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw
77,2 -- þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay
77,2 -- or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe
78,2 -- & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones &
79,1 -- o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with
79,2 -- almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it,
79,2 -- þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp
80,1 -- & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne;
82,1 -- Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder
83,1 -- in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak
83,2 -- quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a
85,2 -- it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat
86,1 -- potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh
86,1 -- blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne.
87,1 -- Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan
87,1 -- muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a
87,2 -- þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre;
87,2 -- draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe
87,4 -- mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt
89,4 -- take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it
89,4 -- egges & breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en
90,2 -- Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance &
90,2 -- fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] &
91,1 -- Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut
92,1 -- þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise
94,1 -- forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk &
96,1 -- Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony

3,3 -- be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer
5,2 -- þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to
8,3 -- crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme
8,3 -- þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of kow mylk &
14,2 -- tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot & put þerto whyte
15,1 -- mylk & do it in a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam
21,3 -- half in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, &
21,5 -- of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh,
23,2 -- & change þe water every day twyes; than bray it in a morter right small, & clens
28,2 -- de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water, &
28,3 -- mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small,
28,4 -- floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour
29,3 -- & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe
29,4 -- a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with
30,3 -- & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe
30,5 -- til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or of
31,2 -- to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth to whyte brede
31,3 -- & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid
31,3 -- onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it
32,3 -- put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To
33,2 -- small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam
36,2 -- ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray
36,2 -- in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in a morter;
36,3 -- small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto
36,4 -- myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with
37,2 -- ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann with batur
39,2 -- do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole
41,2 -- & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay
49,4 -- it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it
49,8 -- may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it
50,1 -- shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, &
51,2 -- it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it with
51,2 -- a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin.
52,1 -- to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr
53,3 -- & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast it þeron,
55,3 -- put it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it
56,4 -- rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis heds
58,2 -- dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide
60,3 -- & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne
61,2 -- & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot & cast þam
61,3 -- small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or of pestels of
62,1 -- creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of & kele it; þan take swete
62,2 -- þan take it of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds
62,4 -- and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in
64,3 -- boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in a frying panne;
64,4 -- & well it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in
65,2 -- egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set it on
65,3 -- on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur
66,2 -- throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, &
67,2 -- & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste
67,2 -- take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode
68,2 -- clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, &
69,2 -- mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis,
82,2 -- þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe
83,2 -- clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger.
83,3 -- of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in
84,2 -- make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an
84,2 -- a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, &
84,4 -- & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast
85,2 -- strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not
85,3 -- thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, &
86,2 -- with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in
87,2 -- & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure
87,3 -- streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same
87,4 -- put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon
89,2 -- it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let it boyle,
90,2 -- & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam
91,3 -- wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron &
93,3 -- it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe & let it kele, & when
95,4 -- þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom
95,5 -- it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll watur

3,4 -- hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous
3,4 -- of þat one blaunched morterus, anoþer of þat saferon, etc. Morterous for Lentyn. Recipe brothe of congure
15,3 -- and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a
15,4 -- strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde
16,1 -- a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger. Recipe flesch of capons or
16,2 -- it with þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne
17,3 -- meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of
27,3 -- powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre
28,4 -- it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, &
28,5 -- salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in
32,2 -- begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth;
33,2 -- take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre
36,3 -- in a morter; þan cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon
40,5 -- salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys
48,2 -- make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij.
48,2 -- is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e
49,7 -- ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan
51,7 -- þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe
54,2 -- þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it & leye
54,3 -- & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete
55,1 -- þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij.
62,5 -- y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or
63,2 -- saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe
84,5 -- peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre; &
84,9 -- abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it is a
88,3 -- in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper &
95,6 -- watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e

1,3 -- kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil
3,2 -- it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng;
4,3 -- grated brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til it be standing; & put it in
5,3 -- til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it
5,3 -- And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in broth of flesh, &
8,5 -- lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl
8,5 -- a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz
10,1 -- it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam
11,3 -- fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits
12,2 -- & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam
12,4 -- bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do it
12,5 -- take a part & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam
13,1 -- Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe chese lappyd all about in fayr grene nettyls. [96v]
14,2 -- frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in
14,3 -- boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it
15,1 -- do it in a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, &
15,2 -- a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to
15,2 -- bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle
15,4 -- do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever,
16,2 -- stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand
16,2 -- & temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger,
16,3 -- saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme
17,1 -- Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, &
17,3 -- with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; &
18,1 -- strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes
19,2 -- a Poket of a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, &
19,2 -- a Pike. [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe
19,2 -- & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver
19,3 -- pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small, &
19,3 -- it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small, & grind it wele,
19,4 -- & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it
20,3 -- in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll
20,4 -- dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, &
21,3 -- & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth
21,4 -- fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of
21,5 -- & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof.
21,5 -- lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk
23,1 -- & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than bray it in a
23,3 -- tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe to it
24,4 -- & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth
24,4 -- fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an
24,6 -- lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle
25,3 -- bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp
25,3 -- a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe
25,3 -- with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do
25,3 -- broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder
25,4 -- vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto
25,5 -- put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, &
26,1 -- þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide
26,1 -- Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, &
26,1 -- lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in
26,3 -- þen make a lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour it with grene, & do
28,3 -- & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys
28,3 -- þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind
28,3 -- broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi
29,2 -- & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener,
29,3 -- lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan
29,3 -- navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on
29,3 -- þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe
29,4 -- hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam
29,7 -- macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt
29,7 -- hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to
29,8 -- bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a
30,3 -- it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen
30,3 -- þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes
30,4 -- egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it
30,5 -- & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth
30,5 -- be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of
30,5 -- rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or of pestell of pork & do
31,2 -- in water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth to
31,2 -- þe shels; þan put a part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto
31,2 -- of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls,
31,3 -- whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe
31,3 -- þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put
32,2 -- broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain;
33,2 -- swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if
38,1 -- & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it
40,2 -- vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute,
40,3 -- & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small;
40,3 -- þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make
41,3 -- it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth
41,3 -- layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen
43,2 -- & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with
43,3 -- sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand
43,3 -- with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe
44,2 -- rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take
44,4 -- powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe
45,2 -- perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do
48,1 -- Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij.
48,2 -- a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat
48,2 -- .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, &
49,3 -- in a pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns
49,6 -- þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe
49,7 -- wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute
49,7 -- & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs;
49,7 -- ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs
49,8 -- þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, &
49,8 -- hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper it
50,2 -- whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe
50,2 -- of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur,
51,4 -- þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of
51,6 -- wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or
51,6 -- þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small,
51,7 -- & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it
51,8 -- be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst
51,9 -- colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe
51,9 -- sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, &
51,9 -- beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu
54,2 -- gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece
54,2 -- & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste
54,3 -- go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To
54,3 -- & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt
55,1 -- To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill
55,2 -- & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put it in a clene pot, &
55,3 -- in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche
55,3 -- & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of
55,3 -- þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin
55,4 -- it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle,
56,1 -- sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of
58,2 -- take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe
58,3 -- brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of
59,1 -- To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald
61,2 -- tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press
61,3 -- þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam with
62,2 -- take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast
62,3 -- & bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto
62,5 -- of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire
62,5 -- & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage
63,3 -- with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in
63,3 -- set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in
63,4 -- and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put
63,4 -- in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole
63,4 -- for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth &
63,4 -- þe hote coles in a hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it
64,1 -- Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of whete & draw þe
64,2 -- of rice or of whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it
64,2 -- & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it
64,4 -- brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe
64,5 -- & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe
65,2 -- throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set it on þe fyre & well
65,2 -- in þe creme & set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon &
66,2 -- & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it
66,3 -- it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is
67,2 -- olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys,
69,3 -- on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth
69,3 -- it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows
72,2 -- brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it &
72,3 -- & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt,
73,2 -- brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre.
74,3 -- a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl;
74,3 -- to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese
76,3 -- it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de
76,4 -- grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur,
77,2 -- grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce,
77,3 -- with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; &
77,3 -- þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces,
78,1 -- Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike
78,2 -- þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre
78,2 -- & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede
78,3 -- a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing
78,3 -- with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make
80,3 -- solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe
83,2 -- payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre
83,3 -- & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close
84,3 -- and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe
84,3 -- dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode &
84,4 -- awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell,
84,4 -- þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til
84,6 -- þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene,
84,6 -- to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in
84,7 -- payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a
84,7 -- a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast
84,8 -- gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse
84,9 -- wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn
84,9 -- wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it
84,11 -- serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen.
84,11 -- lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, &
85,2 -- put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr
85,4 -- & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe
85,4 -- above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind
87,2 -- þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set
87,2 -- throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in
87,3 -- take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne &
88,2 -- water & chop it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot, &
88,4 -- take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, &
89,2 -- put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise
89,3 -- gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke
89,4 -- breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it
90,2 -- rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards.
91,2 -- cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele
91,4 -- a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as
91,5 -- with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur,
92,2 -- & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of
92,3 -- & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan
92,3 -- of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur,
92,3 -- egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth.
93,3 -- with a stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe &
93,4 -- when it is almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete
95,2 -- mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan &
95,2 -- quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be
95,3 -- loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur &
95,3 -- þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it
95,4 -- fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take &
95,4 -- & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro
95,4 -- to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let it
95,6 -- basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it;
96,2 -- be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd
96,4 -- of peper & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of

1,1 -- make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk,
12,6 -- & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh
20,2 -- with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in
23,3 -- lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it in a
24,5 -- þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay
25,5 -- togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam
25,6 -- & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of
26,2 -- dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe same broth,
30,4 -- is bolyd set it fro þe fyre, þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene
31,4 -- broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto
32,2 -- take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or else paynmain; þan colour
41,3 -- & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger &
56,2 -- rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put
85,2 -- fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast
87,3 -- & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle
89,4 -- cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small,
89,5 -- þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, & lech
95,5 -- þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an
96,4 -- of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper &
96,5 -- & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, &

95,2 -- fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water is ny

51,9 -- y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve

11,4 -- a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it, & fry
15,3 -- be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour: presse it
16,5 -- strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe
21,5 -- þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow
44,2 -- & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp
48,3 -- schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij
49,6 -- abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll
50,2 -- & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof
51,3 -- whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put
55,4 -- of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let
60,5 -- of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is
69,3 -- in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys.
72,3 -- it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof
76,5 -- & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy.
82,2 -- full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake &
84,9 -- þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not
91,2 -- it on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let it
92,2 -- þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe

8,5 -- colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe
30,2 -- & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; &
51,7 -- barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make

4,4 -- a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard
8,6 -- sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of
14,5 -- dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede.
16,5 -- so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces,
17,3 -- þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte
20,4 -- a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a
20,4 -- þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes
51,9 -- þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress
53,4 -- hony & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely,
64,5 -- in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of
80,3 -- oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, &
85,4 -- in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of potage.

2,1 -- þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs.
3,3 -- boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one
5,4 -- it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it
7,2 -- it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele,
8,4 -- kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay
14,3 -- do it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it
18,3 -- sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows;
19,4 -- small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt
21,4 -- þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan
24,3 -- do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele;
24,5 -- clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it
25,4 -- & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes
25,5 -- perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, &
26,3 -- & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth.
27,2 -- vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it
28,5 -- rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with
29,5 -- & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice,
29,8 -- grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe
30,6 -- or of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls &
31,4 -- in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc.
31,5 -- do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth
36,3 -- þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole
38,1 -- it in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk
38,1 -- þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole
39,2 -- egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth
39,2 -- þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to
39,3 -- þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched
40,2 -- þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd
40,4 -- whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it
41,2 -- þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in
42,2 -- draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, &
42,3 -- & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of
43,2 -- do it in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger &
44,4 -- blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes.
45,2 -- chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans,
46,2 -- appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls,
47,1 -- cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it
49,4 -- wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, &
51,4 -- mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto
51,4 -- þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere,
51,7 -- & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat
52,2 -- hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce
52,3 -- full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe
53,2 -- þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye
57,2 -- pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir
58,3 -- of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson
62,4 -- creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges
62,5 -- þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng;
64,3 -- it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in a frying
66,2 -- cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set it
68,2 -- breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of
68,3 -- & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r]
71,2 -- þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth.
74,3 -- & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, &
74,4 -- & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls.
76,2 -- do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, &
76,3 -- gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte
76,3 -- gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe
76,4 -- fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin
77,3 -- with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur,
77,3 -- & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth
78,3 -- brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, &
79,3 -- it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych
80,2 -- & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry
81,2 -- peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a bord.
84,4 -- blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of
84,5 -- þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl,
85,2 -- & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre, but lat it
85,3 -- wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make
86,3 -- perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle
86,4 -- & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it
87,3 -- it in þe same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder
87,4 -- peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in
88,3 -- & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell;
88,5 -- let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, &
89,2 -- & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let
89,6 -- roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe
92,3 -- brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe
93,1 -- do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur, &
94,2 -- strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it
96,4 -- & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d

56,3 -- in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of
61,5 -- or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn
89,2 -- it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour;
96,2 -- & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of
96,6 -- take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it forth,

11,5 -- fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth
24,6 -- sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put
28,4 -- clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure
31,3 -- remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi muskyls, þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, &
31,4 -- & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon,
31,5 -- þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it,
60,6 -- & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis.
84,8 -- hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop

25,4 -- broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take

28,2 -- seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an

95,7 -- þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij.

36,4 -- amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour
89,3 -- & let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe

96,7 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

41,3 -- on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr

21,4 -- kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger &
23,3 -- a morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it
24,4 -- & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto
35,2 -- stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger &
53,1 -- bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do
65,2 -- & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in þe creme &
66,2 -- & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto
70,3 -- þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam
76,1 -- Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot, &
86,2 -- almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And
87,2 -- oute of þe shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan
94,1 -- Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur
96,2 -- take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed

3,2 -- amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat

19,1 -- & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a
21,2 -- splate þam on brede, or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam
21,2 -- or els if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth
21,2 -- if þu have; stokfysh, if þu list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half
30,2 -- or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele
51,3 -- bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of
51,5 -- gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer,
51,7 -- þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be
51,10 -- þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long
51,10 -- þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als small as
51,10 -- it als long & als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr,

1,2 -- þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or
12,3 -- wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on a fote
14,3 -- or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls.
15,3 -- saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat
18,3 -- it to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell
49,2 -- whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw it, & put it in
57,3 -- & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons
58,2 -- wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto,
85,3 -- þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr
89,5 -- in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, &

40,2 -- with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, &

4,3 -- & alay it vp with þe brothe til it be standing; & put it in a pot
5,2 -- & than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng
9,2 -- & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a
12,4 -- & lay it on a fote bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy,
30,5 -- to þe sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe
60,1 -- of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam
84,4 -- & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper

12,3 -- or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd
59,2 -- water, & rub it with a cloth till he be clene; & take ale & water &
61,5 -- alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy. Recipe creme of
91,3 -- let it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it &

49,5 -- take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als

1,1 -- [95v] To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with
3,3 -- of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan
5,2 -- þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe
11,5 -- grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh.
13,1 -- pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make Chese Nesh at is Ouer Hard. Lay þe
15,2 -- & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; &
18,2 -- temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode
20,1 -- it wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour
21,1 -- þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on
22,1 -- & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in
23,1 -- it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes,
23,4 -- morter & bray it in a clothe to it be dry. Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or
25,6 -- saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe
29,8 -- [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it
30,1 -- þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons
30,5 -- þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele til it be
31,1 -- Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put a
31,2 -- þan put a part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes;
31,4 -- it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put
32,1 -- & seth it, & when it begyns to aly take oute part of þat broth & take
33,1 -- it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, &
35,1 -- & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it
36,1 -- powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam
37,2 -- with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying pann with batur & ole & bake
39,3 -- bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh
48,1 -- .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f]
49,4 -- styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll,
49,8 -- all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn,
51,5 -- y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt
52,1 -- & als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan hew hyre
55,1 -- þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe Pott. Take
59,1 -- anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym in the tale &
59,1 -- in the tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub
60,1 -- & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth
61,1 -- þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle
66,3 -- wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle set it of & let it be standyng
68,2 -- & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto
69,3 -- fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole,
74,3 -- mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, &
77,4 -- sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes.
81,1 -- & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it &
84,1 -- hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn
84,6 -- wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray &
88,2 -- strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast
88,5 -- with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, &
89,1 -- vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in
89,3 -- let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan.
93,1 -- cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a
95,1 -- it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water
95,4 -- wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre
96,1 -- y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam
96,2 -- þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte

16,4 -- of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs

9,2 -- y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse
12,3 -- ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is
14,3 -- & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise or
15,2 -- egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour it
25,4 -- of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe
28,4 -- small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, & seth
47,2 -- suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche
53,3 -- þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take
65,3 -- it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre
87,4 -- ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt &
90,2 -- flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry
91,1 -- Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it
92,2 -- strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, &

8,6 -- it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme
38,2 -- a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd
39,1 -- brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan
62,3 -- in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take

36,4 -- & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it

93,2 -- a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set it on þe fyre,

38,1 -- & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow &

49,8 -- & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe

50,1 -- Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng
67,2 -- wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond

20,2 -- of hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, &

55,3 -- bags in þe mete. Say it it touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it

49,6 -- als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll

49,6 -- haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth

34,1 -- grece. And if it be Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung &

11,2 -- as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij.

24,1 -- of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam

50,2 -- y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or
63,3 -- & set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne

48,2 -- .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his
92,3 -- morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto

23,2 -- dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than bray it in a morter right small, &

41,3 -- put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre &
51,1 -- brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in
57,3 -- saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe
95,5 -- skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it be nye cold. &Thorn;an put it in a

8,2 -- withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon, &
14,2 -- & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it
15,3 -- it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin;
23,3 -- a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put onto þe morter &
49,10 -- wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it,
65,4 -- lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in
85,3 -- not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt.
89,4 -- small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down &
96,1 -- Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe

95,4 -- sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette

63,4 -- in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote
90,3 -- þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges &

95,4 -- a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take

81,1 -- & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele, & grind
86,2 -- fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth,

25,4 -- do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled

44,3 -- þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or

63,4 -- þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole in

28,1 -- it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan

88,5 -- gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk.

16,3 -- as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges &
24,3 -- in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take
25,4 -- þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev
35,1 -- Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on
49,4 -- mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take a
57,2 -- þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, &
59,4 -- lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons,
84,4 -- blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, &
84,6 -- it be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, &

62,7 -- dysh and plant it with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe

28,1 -- Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water,
40,1 -- to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw

4,3 -- with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til it be standing; & put
7,3 -- & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth.
8,3 -- it with saferon, & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or
9,2 -- til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with
12,3 -- when it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on a fote bord til it
14,4 -- And when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, &
21,3 -- wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe
24,4 -- wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe
25,2 -- & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take
25,3 -- grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; &
27,1 -- almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp with floure of
27,2 -- þam vp with water, & lay it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of
28,2 -- & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon.
29,4 -- grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of
40,2 -- clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part
42,2 -- blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger &
44,3 -- whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer
61,4 -- pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh.
70,4 -- brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce
74,3 -- it in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it
77,2 -- in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour
79,2 -- clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with
79,2 -- with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese
84,9 -- þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when
91,5 -- as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows.
96,6 -- &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it

43,1 -- Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do it
49,8 -- to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into
81,2 -- þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns &

48,3 -- gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper &

29,5 -- draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder
84,3 -- take brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode,

30,2 -- whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with

95,4 -- unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre &

95,7 -- & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold &

56,1 -- it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen
60,1 -- serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe
60,1 -- To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in clene
60,6 -- when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe

21,3 -- tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do

68,1 -- Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan
70,2 -- þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in
71,1 -- & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond
79,1 -- Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp

3,2 -- floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of
22,1 -- Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with
30,2 -- Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu
69,2 -- colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, & set
74,2 -- comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper

14,4 -- with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp in

5,2 -- waters, & than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn to boyle. And at þe fyrst
5,3 -- at þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in broth of flesh, & put
21,3 -- þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme,
23,2 -- stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than bray it in a morter
26,2 -- & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe same
27,2 -- blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp with floure of rice; &
28,2 -- take caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth
31,1 -- Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go owte of þe shels; þan put
36,2 -- Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute; þan schop þam small &
49,8 -- it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper it with
59,2 -- to dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub it with a cloth till he be
59,3 -- he be clene; & take ale & water & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat
60,2 -- þam til þai be softe in clene water, or cast þam in a syve & rost þam.
61,3 -- on a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd
64,3 -- do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in a frying panne; þan cast
64,4 -- egges & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd
70,2 -- dight þam clene & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter &
72,2 -- shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper
78,2 -- þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh
79,2 -- þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto
88,1 -- Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe broth with
95,1 -- forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe
95,1 -- Butter. Recipe fayr fresh water, als mych water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe
95,3 -- þer be no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur & take
95,4 -- styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe
95,7 -- poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe

5,2 -- & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water til þai

49,2 -- y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw it, & put it in a pott.
77,2 -- & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe,
93,2 -- ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik &
95,2 -- water in quantyte as buttur; set þe watur on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke
95,6 -- it in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water,
96,1 -- Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene

29,2 -- wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll

49,7 -- þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs &

45,2 -- ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto

2,1 -- þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk &
5,1 -- Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, &
7,2 -- & lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make
12,3 -- & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it
14,2 -- & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong
14,2 -- in a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot &
16,3 -- broth of þe saym, that it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre
17,2 -- pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it
17,3 -- þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe
18,2 -- & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it to
19,3 -- & shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger
19,5 -- fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe
24,3 -- vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale
24,6 -- Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe
29,4 -- rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw
30,3 -- make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd
30,5 -- in to þe sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take
38,0 -- [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it small & cast it in a
44,3 -- parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage
49,3 -- it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise take it of.
51,5 -- þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu
55,4 -- þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn
57,3 -- peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny.
58,2 -- capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of
58,3 -- þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger &
66,3 -- it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle set
69,2 -- or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it
70,1 -- Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in water
71,1 -- ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, &
75,3 -- þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete
78,2 -- hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind
80,2 -- þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer
81,1 -- vele, & seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede & do
85,2 -- it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur &
91,2 -- þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast it
91,3 -- & let it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it
93,2 -- with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set it on þe
95,4 -- take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn to walme; þan

64,3 -- lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in a frying panne; þan cast in brokyn
65,2 -- & set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a

66,4 -- & whan it is in poynt to welle set it of & let it be standyng &
94,2 -- & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon,

19,2 -- Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh

5,1 -- Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth
14,1 -- fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop
19,2 -- clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike
24,2 -- cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do
25,2 -- seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam,
40,1 -- & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp
46,1 -- of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam
51,1 -- [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro

20,3 -- þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe

62,2 -- cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in þe

44,2 -- or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make
66,3 -- þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle set it of

11,3 -- or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe boynes take it oute
12,3 -- togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay
12,4 -- fote bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do
14,4 -- floure of rise or of wastylls. And when it is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, &
15,4 -- on a borde with a lever, & when it is cold lard it & sheve it on
18,3 -- wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger &
30,3 -- colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro þe fyre,
32,1 -- Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns to aly take oute part of þat
33,1 -- Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is half sothen chop it small, & take
43,2 -- & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is dry do it in a boll, &
49,3 -- þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise take it of. If y*e
51,10 -- it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als
60,5 -- þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof
69,3 -- & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth cast þe brede
74,4 -- faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode
84,10 -- cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat
84,11 -- & serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of þe
93,3 -- it downe & let it kele, & when it is almost cold take of þe whyte with
95,3 -- & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put in þe buttur

23,1 -- sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water
51,6 -- of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it
64,2 -- take þe flour of rice or of whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk,

49,5 -- of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw
55,4 -- & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete

14,3 -- it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder,
15,2 -- pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe
18,1 -- of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, &
20,3 -- of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a
25,5 -- þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do
29,4 -- o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, &
30,2 -- fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof
31,2 -- put a part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan
35,1 -- & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it
40,4 -- þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt &
49,2 -- & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur
49,9 -- into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it
50,1 -- it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of
51,3 -- & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als
51,4 -- Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow
51,4 -- wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges
51,9 -- it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene
53,2 -- & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder,
60,4 -- take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony &
66,1 -- a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw
74,3 -- make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take
76,3 -- brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh
93,4 -- it is almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre.

1,2 -- then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour
1,3 -- make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do
1,3 -- thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same.
1,3 -- colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of
3,2 -- wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to
4,2 -- codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with þe
4,3 -- ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til it be standing; & put it
4,4 -- standing; & put it in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, &
5,4 -- & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe
7,1 -- Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat
7,2 -- & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress
8,3 -- tyll it do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp & press it.
8,4 -- put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in
9,3 -- a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe draghtis of capons
14,3 -- & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise or of wastylls. And when
15,2 -- in a pan, than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it
15,3 -- to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and
15,4 -- þe strenerour: presse it on a borde with a lever, & when it is cold lard it
16,2 -- & stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that it be wele
16,3 -- it be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes;
16,3 -- chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges
16,3 -- blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider
17,2 -- & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of
17,3 -- þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it be wele chargeant;
18,2 -- & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it
20,2 -- fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony; þen take shyves
22,2 -- þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows,
22,2 -- & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with
22,2 -- & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony &
22,3 -- with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe
24,2 -- þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, &
25,2 -- pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a
25,3 -- take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with
25,3 -- fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies
26,2 -- water; þen make a lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour it with grene, &
26,3 -- with þe same broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt,
27,1 -- & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp with floure of rice;
27,2 -- vp with water, & lay it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere,
28,3 -- water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of þe salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe
28,4 -- mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do
28,5 -- powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it
29,1 -- Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature &
29,4 -- rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede,
29,5 -- vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger
29,7 -- & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast
30,3 -- þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set
32,3 -- small, or else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose.
33,2 -- & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And
34,1 -- Fyshday. Recipe trutys or barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam &
36,5 -- in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis.
37,2 -- bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to a frying
37,2 -- cast þam in to a frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v]
40,2 -- and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of
40,4 -- & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it
40,5 -- it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds
40,5 -- & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam,
41,2 -- & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take
41,4 -- tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth.
42,2 -- & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur,
43,2 -- boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell
43,3 -- of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, &
44,3 -- of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe
44,4 -- oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r]
45,1 -- on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam
45,3 -- & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a
46,2 -- wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre
47,2 -- or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder &
48,4 -- vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or
49,2 -- as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw it, & put it in a
49,6 -- betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche
49,7 -- cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw
49,9 -- oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll
49,9 -- it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e
51,2 -- it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole
51,8 -- in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow.
53,3 -- & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it
58,3 -- wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs
58,4 -- it with suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof
59,2 -- hym in hote water, & rub it with a cloth till he be clene; & take ale
59,4 -- & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of
61,3 -- & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth of caponis or
62,6 -- lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn
63,2 -- powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, &
64,2 -- or of whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon
64,2 -- sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll
65,3 -- þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll
66,2 -- yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour
66,3 -- þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr
67,2 -- de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in
68,3 -- anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis
69,2 -- swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on
70,3 -- morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre
72,2 -- saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it
73,2 -- percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de
74,3 -- in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to
75,2 -- peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake
76,2 -- a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd
76,4 -- & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth.
77,2 -- watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of
77,3 -- vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs;
78,1 -- on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, &
78,3 -- Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh,
79,2 -- & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns;
79,2 -- fayr water. Seth it, alay it vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it
79,3 -- sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam
80,1 -- serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; &
80,2 -- with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth
84,7 -- hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole. At þe hole
84,8 -- lityl hole. At þe hole blow in with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely
86,2 -- þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele,
88,2 -- chop it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene
88,4 -- in þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, &
89,2 -- & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on
90,2 -- & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof.
90,3 -- corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk
91,5 -- it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade.
91,5 -- vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with
92,1 -- frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe
92,2 -- þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche
93,2 -- & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with
93,2 -- lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set it on þe fyre, &
93,4 -- is almost cold take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe
94,3 -- & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe
95,6 -- cold. &Thorn;an put it in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from
96,3 -- a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte of powdyr of

13,3 -- fayre borde or on a floore, and within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage

8,2 -- egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do

96,4 -- of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of

91,3 -- boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay it

25,3 -- muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls;

14,2 -- a cop tyll þe juyse be wele wrong oute; þan do it in a pot & put

41,1 -- Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon

70,1 -- let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene

19,1 -- clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour in a Poket of a Pike.
48,4 -- rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme of
49,4 -- to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre
49,6 -- a ladyl als brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of
49,10 -- tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe
51,3 -- it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren,
51,7 -- þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn

51,5 -- ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or
51,10 -- & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long &
51,10 -- als long & als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys in Hogepoche. Scald hyr, þan

60,3 -- pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd

84,8 -- with þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may
84,9 -- & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat

16,3 -- be wele chargeand as þe blawmanger, with wyne or with vinegre or with creme of almondes; &
18,2 -- bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it is
20,3 -- brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh,
21,3 -- in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh
24,3 -- & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh
25,2 -- þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone
29,1 -- Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt,
29,5 -- curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do
41,2 -- bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede
41,2 -- salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put on
42,2 -- bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, &
43,3 -- gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese
44,2 -- & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, &
44,3 -- syrup of vernage or of oþer swete wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto
46,1 -- figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls &
48,4 -- & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a
49,9 -- a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be
51,3 -- grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych
52,2 -- awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small &
60,3 -- in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale,
60,4 -- rede wyne or swete wyn or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole
63,3 -- dysh aboute and put in a lityll wyne in þe fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell,
66,1 -- dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam
66,2 -- þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon,
67,2 -- þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede &
68,3 -- & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon,
77,2 -- & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp
80,2 -- crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it
84,5 -- þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong of
86,2 -- a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile
87,4 -- same broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto

51,8 -- be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe

16,4 -- & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin
51,4 -- þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele
51,9 -- but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when

1,3 -- with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches y*e may do þe same. For Qualing of Mylk. Cast
48,1 -- bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall make a coffyn o[f] þe same lenthe þat
48,2 -- on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal
48,3 -- sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns
48,4 -- of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh ele. Creme
49,2 -- þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw
49,4 -- begyns to rise take it of. If y*e wyll haue mykyll, þan do a lityll þerto of
49,7 -- with þe ege of þe ladyll þat y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre
49,10 -- sawcer tyll it be als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew.
95,7 -- water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, &

95,7 -- schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make Char

47,3 -- do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard.
48,2 -- þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe

8,1 -- Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, &
9,1 -- Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole
18,1 -- of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it
30,4 -- þen take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in
50,2 -- brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede
53,3 -- bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it &
62,4 -- þerto sugur and saferon, buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng
62,5 -- in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be
65,1 -- Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan
66,1 -- whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same
74,1 -- & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce
89,4 -- agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do þam

11,2 -- mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or
85,1 -- mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe

51,4 -- whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich

54,1 -- it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put

1,1 -- To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls. Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde
1,2 -- Seth muskyls, & then shop þam grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk
1,2 -- grete & medil þam with almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon.
1,2 -- almonde mylk, & make a thyk potage; & colour it with saferon. With kokyls or with pervinches
2,1 -- of Mylk. Cast þerto a litil flour & styre it wele. Blawnched Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or
3,1 -- Mortrovs. Recipe almond mylk or cow mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, &
3,2 -- mylk & floure of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with
3,2 -- of rice, of amidon, & of wastell, & drawe it thrughe a cloth with sum of þe
3,3 -- a cloth with sum of þe mylk, & lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put
3,3 -- lat it boyle to it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of
3,3 -- it be standyng; & put þerto hony, & þan dress a lech of þat one blaunched morterus,
4,2 -- of cuper of kongur or of codlynge, & graty þam in a morter with ||58| grated brede;
4,3 -- in a morter with ||58| grated brede; & alay it vp with þe brothe til it be
4,3 -- with þe brothe til it be standing; & put it in a pot with peper & saferon
4,4 -- put it in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam,
4,4 -- in a pot with peper & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do
4,4 -- & saferon & boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger &
4,4 -- boyl þam a litil, & dresse þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth.
4,5 -- þam, & do þeron powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse &
5,1 -- it forth. Ryse Lumbard Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or
5,1 -- Rynnyng. Recipe ryse & pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than
5,2 -- wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water til þai begyn
5,3 -- þe fyrst bolyng put oute þe water & seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto
5,4 -- & seth it in broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, &
5,4 -- broth of flesh, & put þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise
5,4 -- þerto sugyre & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make
6,1 -- serof it forth. Rise Lombard Standyng. Recipe & make þam in pe same manere, safe take perto
6,2 -- perto brothe of flesh, salmon, or congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure
6,3 -- congyr; & cast berto powdre of canel, & make peron lyure of brede as it is aforesaide.
7,1 -- is aforesaide. Berleggs. Recipe creme of almonds & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto
7,1 -- & alay it with floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir
7,2 -- floure of ryse, & cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour
7,2 -- cast þerto gyngere; & lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon &
7,2 -- lat it boyle & stir it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it
7,2 -- it wele, & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp
7,3 -- & colour it with saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in
7,3 -- saferon & sawndyres; & make it standing, & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes
7,3 -- & dress it vp [96r] in lechys, & in dyshes seroff it forth. Charlet Enforesyd. Recipe swete
8,1 -- Enforesyd. Recipe swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat
8,1 -- swete mylk and egges y*olkes & ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle
8,2 -- ale, & seth pork withoute erbis, brayed, & lat it boyle tyll it do crud; and colour
8,3 -- do crud; and colour it with saferon, & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take
8,3 -- with saferon, & þan take it vp & press it. &Thorn;an take creme of almondes or of
8,4 -- creme of almondes or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it
8,4 -- or of kow mylk & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon,
8,4 -- & boyle itt, & put þerto ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij.
8,4 -- ginger & colour it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh
8,5 -- .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs,
8,6 -- [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it
8,6 -- and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd.
8,6 -- & masz togydere & strew it þeron & serof it forth. Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow
9,1 -- Creme Bolyd. Recipe creme of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder;
9,1 -- of kow mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til
9,2 -- mylk & egg y*olkes, sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be
9,2 -- sugur & saferon, & medyl all togyder; & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it
9,2 -- & bole it til it be standyng, & dresse it vp in a dysh in lechys, &
9,3 -- it vp in a dysh in lechys, & playnt it with flowres of borage. Chewets. Recipe þe
10,1 -- þe draghtis of capons or of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger
10,2 -- of hennes & shop þam small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt,
10,2 -- small. Take & cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in
10,2 -- cast powdyr of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn
10,2 -- of gynger & cloes, pepyr & salt, & put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close
10,3 -- put þam all in a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece,
10,3 -- a lityll cofyn & close it abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth
10,3 -- abowne, & fry hym in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make
11,1 -- smale cofyns not so mykyll as penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in
11,2 -- penypines, & take fayre egg y*olks tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe;
11,2 -- in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid in þe
11,3 -- perbolid in þe boynes take it oute & lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take
11,4 -- lay it in gobits in a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin,
11,4 -- a cofyn, & take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid &
11,4 -- & take a litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it,
11,4 -- litil sugur & salt & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it, & fry þam
11,4 -- & cast þerin, & take a lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: &
11,4 -- & take a lid & cover it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr
11,5 -- it, & fry þam in fresh grece: & loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof
11,5 -- loke þi fyr be noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for
12,1 -- dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes &
12,1 -- Lentyn. Recipe gode floure & make past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of
12,2 -- past, & take gode mylk of almondes & þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle
12,2 -- þe floure of ryse or of amydon & boyle þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; &
12,3 -- þam togyder till þai be wele chargeand; & when it is bolyd thyk take it vp &
12,3 -- it is bolyd thyk take it vp & lay it on a fote bord til it be
12,4 -- a fote bord til it be colde; & when þe cofyns be redy, take a part &
12,4 -- þe cofyns be redy, take a part & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in
12,5 -- part & do it in þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode
12,5 -- þe cofyns & karve þam in shyves, & do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges
12,6 -- do þam in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it;
12,6 -- in gode mylk of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it
13,3 -- within fow[r] dayes it schall be nesgh & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam
14,1 -- & fresh. Potage of Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a
14,1 -- Prvnes. Recipe prvnes & wesh þam clene, & frote þam wele in a cop tyll þe juyse
14,2 -- oute; þan do it in a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, &
14,3 -- a pot & put þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk
14,3 -- þerto whyte grece & hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure
14,3 -- hony or sugure, & boyle it togyder, & thyk it with þe floure of rise or of
14,4 -- is sothen dress it vp in dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth.
14,5 -- dyshys, & cast þeron powdyr of galyngay, & serof it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk &
15,1 -- it forth. Mylk Rostede. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, than take þe egges
15,2 -- than take þe egges with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk,
15,2 -- with þe whyte & bete þam togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59|
15,2 -- togyder, & do it to þe mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll
15,3 -- mylk, & colour it ||59| with saferon; & boyle it tyll it be thyk, and strene it
15,3 -- tyll it be thyk, and strene it & do þerin; take þat þat levis in þe strenerour:
15,4 -- it on a borde with a lever, & when it is cold lard it & sheve it
15,5 -- & when it is cold lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a
15,5 -- lard it & sheve it on shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth.
15,5 -- shyves, & rost it on a gyrdyryn, & serof it forth. Cawdale þat is Part of Blawmaunger.
16,2 -- Recipe flesch of capons or of pork & stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth
16,2 -- or of pork & stamp it small; & temper it with þe broth of þe saym, that
16,4 -- with vinegre or with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be
16,4 -- with creme of almondes; & grind egges & saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew
16,4 -- saferon togider so bat it be y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows
16,5 -- y*alow, & strew þeron powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth.
16,5 -- powdyrs of galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys &
16,5 -- galingay, & stik þerin clows & maces, & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, &
17,1 -- & serof it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode
17,1 -- it forth. Resalsike. Recipe fygys & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of
17,1 -- & rasyns, & do away þe kyrnels, & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam
17,2 -- & a gode pert of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk,
17,2 -- of apylls paryd, & bray þam wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with
17,3 -- wele; & temper þam with almondes mylk, & meng it with þe flowre of ryse þat it
17,3 -- of ryse þat it be wele chargeant; & strew þeron podyr of galingay. Fruays. Recipe þe cromys
18,1 -- Fruays. Recipe þe cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam
18,1 -- cromys of whyte brede & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper
18,2 -- & swete aplys & y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; &
18,2 -- y*olkes of egges, & bray þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe,
18,2 -- þam wele, & temper it with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it is thyk
18,2 -- with wyne; & make it to sethe, & when it is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger
18,3 -- is thyk do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth.
18,3 -- do þerto gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu
18,3 -- gode spyces: gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make
18,4 -- gynger & galingay & cannell & clows; & serof it forth. And þu wyll make a Faireseour
19,2 -- [97r] Recipe þe poket of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, &
19,2 -- of þe pike & wesch it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, &
19,2 -- it clene, & scrape it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe
19,3 -- it, þe pike, & wesh it clene, & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it
19,3 -- & take þe lyver of þe pike & shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast
19,3 -- of þe pike & shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay
19,3 -- shop it small, & grind it wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger &
19,4 -- wele, & cast þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll
19,4 -- þerto podyr of galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full
19,4 -- galyngay & of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it
19,4 -- of gynger & clows, salt & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, &
19,5 -- & saferon; & fyll þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to
19,5 -- þe pokutt full & boyle it wele, & serof it forth. For to make Soopys. Recipe fyne
20,1 -- make Soopys. Recipe fyne almond mylk standyng, & colour it with safron and a porcyon of hony;
20,2 -- hony; þen take shyves of brede tostyd & wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse
20,3 -- wete þam in whyte wyne or rede, & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in
20,3 -- & dresse þe shyves in a dysh, & boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast
20,4 -- boyle in a lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To
20,4 -- lityll of þe mylk, & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth.
20,4 -- & cast þeron, & strew þeron sugure, & serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate
21,1 -- serof. To make a Balowbroth. Recipe pikes & splate þam on brede, or els if þu have;
21,2 -- list, þu may smyte þam in gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half in water;
21,3 -- gobyts; & seth þam, half in wyne & half in water; þan tak vp þe fysh &
21,3 -- in water; þan tak vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a
21,3 -- vp þe fysh & kepe it warme, & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto
21,4 -- & draw þe broth throgh a cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur,
21,4 -- cloth, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galingay, pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle
21,5 -- pepyur, cannell; þan lat þe broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth.
21,5 -- broth boyle & do þerin þe fysh, & serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye
22,1 -- serof. To make Doth. Recipe cow mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with
22,1 -- mylk & lye þais in wastell brede, & colour it with saferon; fors it with pepyr &
22,2 -- it with saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn
22,2 -- saferon; fors it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, &
22,2 -- it with pepyr & gynger & clows, & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it
22,3 -- & bole it with hard sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To
22,3 -- sodyn egges, & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete &
22,3 -- & seth it with hony & sugure, & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it
23,1 -- & serof. To make Amydon. Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every
23,1 -- Recipe whete & stepe it ix dayes, & change þe water every day twyes; than bray it
23,2 -- bray it in a morter right small, & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it
23,3 -- & clens it throgh a haryn syve, & lat it stonde tyll it be sett; þen put
23,4 -- be sett; þen put onto þe morter & bray it in a clothe to it be dry.
24,1 -- tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam
24,2 -- & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, &
24,2 -- in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in
24,2 -- þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half
24,3 -- clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth
24,3 -- a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp
24,3 -- do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh &
24,3 -- & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale &
24,4 -- þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole
24,4 -- vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe
24,4 -- pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan,
24,5 -- throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then
24,5 -- pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it
24,6 -- & saferon. [97v] Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours
24,6 -- lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew,
24,6 -- wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys &
24,6 -- fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls.
24,7 -- þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam,
25,1 -- & serof. Cawdeyle of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam
25,1 -- of Muskyls. Recipe muskyls & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne.
25,2 -- & seth þam, & pike þam clene, & wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray
25,2 -- wesh þam vp with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls
25,2 -- with wyne. Take almondes & bray þam, & take a fone of þe muskyls grunde with þe
25,3 -- þe muskyls grunde with þe fysh broth, & wring vp þe mylk with þe broth of þe
25,4 -- mylk with þe broth of þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious &
25,4 -- þe muskyls; & do all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte
25,4 -- all þies togyder & put þerto vergeious & vinegre. Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled &
25,5 -- Then take þe whyte of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of
25,5 -- of lekes perboled & hev þam small, & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon &
25,6 -- & do þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng,
25,6 -- þerto plenty ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen
25,6 -- ||60| of powdyrs & saferon & salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it
25,6 -- salt, & seth it not to standyng, & þen serof it forth. Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver
26,1 -- Gaude Grene. Recipe þe lyver of codlyng & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam,
26,2 -- & þe gutts of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make
26,2 -- of þe saide codlyng & dice þam, & seth þam in water; þen make a lyur of
26,3 -- lyur of brede with þe same broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr,
26,3 -- same broth, & colour it with grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof
26,4 -- grene, & do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds
26,4 -- do þerto strong powdyr, comyn, & salt, & serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche
27,1 -- serof it forth. Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, &
27,1 -- Ryce Mole. Recipe almonds & blanche þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp
27,2 -- þam, & draw þam vp with water, & lay it vp with floure of rice; & do
27,2 -- lay it vp with floure of rice; & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so
27,3 -- & do þerto powdyr of gyngere, sugyr, & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it
27,3 -- & salt so þat it be standyng; & serof it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe &
28,1 -- it forth. Viandre Cypyre de Salmon. Recipe & bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth
28,2 -- bray almonds vnblaunched; þan take caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds
28,2 -- caluer salmon & seth it in water, & draw vp þinne almonds mylk with þe broth of
28,3 -- salmon. &Thorn;an pike out þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat
28,4 -- þe bonys clene, & grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it
28,4 -- grind it small, & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice,
28,4 -- & cast þi mylk & þat togyder, & ley it with floure of rice, & seth it;
28,4 -- & ley it with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure
28,4 -- with floure of rice, & seth it; & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, &
28,5 -- & þan do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it
28,5 -- do þerto strong powdyr, sugure & salt, & colour it with alkenet so þat it be standyng,
28,6 -- with alkenet so þat it be standyng, & serof it forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray
29,1 -- forth. Laumpray in Galantyne. Recipe a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym
29,2 -- a lampray & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, &
29,2 -- & sla hym with wyne & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a
29,2 -- & salt, & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll &
29,2 -- & skald hym in wature & salt, & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute
29,2 -- & cut a lityl at þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe
29,3 -- þe navyll & take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym
29,3 -- take oute þe gut & þe eyghener, & kepe þe blode; þan rost hym on a spyt,
29,3 -- blode; þan rost hym on a spyt, & kepe wele þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans
29,4 -- þe grece; þan grind rasyns o[f] curans & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre &
29,5 -- & draw þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto
29,5 -- þam vp with whyte wyne & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of
29,5 -- & vynegre & with crusts of brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure
29,5 -- brede, & do þerto powder of gynger & of galyngale, floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows
29,6 -- floure of rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode
29,6 -- rice, powdyr of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece
29,7 -- ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe lampray. [98r] Cast salt þerto; bole
29,8 -- salt þerto; bole it not to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To
29,8 -- to standyng & lay þe sewe aboue, & serof it forth. To mak a Cawdell in Capon
30,1 -- in Capon Broth. Recipe fayr capons broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as
30,2 -- broth & wastell brede or whyte brede, & stvewe it as þu wald make þerof a sew,
30,2 -- as þu wald make þerof a sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe
30,3 -- sew, & colour it wele with saferon; & þan when þe sew is bolyd set it fro
30,4 -- take a gode porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to
30,4 -- porcyon of egges y*olkes & strene þam & let þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, &
30,5 -- þe eggs ryn in to þe sew, & styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng,
30,5 -- styre it wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon
30,5 -- wele til it be smoth & rynnyng, & þan take þe fat of þe capon broth or
30,6 -- capon broth or of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe
30,6 -- of pestell of pork & do þerto, & serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth
31,1 -- serof it forth. Muskyls Broth. Recipe muskyls & seth þam in water to þai go owte of
31,2 -- part of þe broth to whyte brede & þe remland put onto þe grondes; þan pike þi
31,4 -- þan put into þe broth mynesid onyons, & let it seth; þen put in þi muskyls to
31,4 -- muskyls to bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd.
31,5 -- bole, and do þerto pepyr & saferon, & put þerto þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork
32,1 -- þi lyure etc. Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns to aly take
32,1 -- Gruell Forsyd. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it begyns to aly take oute part of
32,2 -- aly take oute part of þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put
32,2 -- of þat broth & take out pork, & stren þe broth; þen put in otemele small, or
32,3 -- else paynmain; þan colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork
33,1 -- forth. To make a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is half sothen chop
33,1 -- a Frose. Recipe pork & seth it, & when it is half sothen chop it small, &
33,2 -- it is half sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork
33,2 -- sothen chop it small, & take egges & swyng þam; þan put þat pork with þe egges
33,3 -- þan put þat pork with þe egges & fry þam in fayre grece. And if it be
34,2 -- barbels or molets with such egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger
34,2 -- egges swung & fayr buttyr; fry þam & serof. To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede &
35,1 -- To make Gynger Sawce. Recipe whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a
35,2 -- whyte brede & stepe it in vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr
35,2 -- vinegre, & strene it throgh a cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof.
35,2 -- cloth, & put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe
35,2 -- put on powdyr of gynger & salt, & serof. To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs &
36,1 -- To make Potage of Ostyrs. Recipe ostyrs & perbole þam in fayr water, þan tak þam oute;
36,2 -- tak þam oute; þan schop þam small & bray þam in a morter; þan cast þam into
36,3 -- þan cast þam into þat same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons
36,3 -- same broth & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre;
36,3 -- & put þerto almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put
36,4 -- almond mylk & amydon & myncyd onyons & bole all þise togydre; þan put in powdyr of
36,4 -- togydre; þan put in powdyr of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61|
36,5 -- of gynger & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe &
37,1 -- it forth. ||61| Fruturs of Fygis. Recipe & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with
37,1 -- & make bature of flour, ale, peper & saferon, with oþer spices; þan cast þam in to
37,2 -- in to a frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe
37,3 -- a frying pann with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork &
37,3 -- with batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele,
38,0 -- þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it small & cast
38,0 -- Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, & hew it small & cast it in a pan,
38,0 -- seth it wele, & hew it small & cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto
38,1 -- small & cast it in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put
38,1 -- in a pan, & breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of
38,1 -- breke egges þerto & swyng all togydyre; & put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon,
38,2 -- put þerto þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it &
38,2 -- þe mylk of a kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell.
38,2 -- kow & saferon, & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd &
38,2 -- & bole it togydere, & salt it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng
39,1 -- it & serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge
39,1 -- serof. Jussell. Recipe brede gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon
39,1 -- gratyd & egges & swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take
39,2 -- swyng þam togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast
39,2 -- togydere, & do þerto sawge & saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto,
39,2 -- saferon & salt; þan take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do
39,2 -- take gode broth & cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete,
39,3 -- cast it þerto, & bole it enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe
39,3 -- enforesayd, & do þerto as to charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene,
40,1 -- charlete, & serof. Cherysse. Recipe almonds vnblaunched & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam
40,2 -- & wesh þam clene, and grynd þam & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto
40,2 -- & draw þam vp with gode broth, & do þerto þe thyrd part of þe cherysse, þe
40,3 -- of þe cherysse, þe stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte
40,3 -- stonys pikyd oute, & grynd þam small; & make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs
40,4 -- & make a lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it
40,4 -- lyure of whyte brede & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so
40,4 -- & of powdyrs & do þerto salt & colour it with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng,
40,5 -- with sawndyrs so þat it be standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis
40,5 -- standyng, & mese it forth with anneys & with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray
41,1 -- with cherys. Sopis de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, &
41,1 -- de Roy. Recipe almonds & bray þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto
41,2 -- þam, & wryng þam oute with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede &
41,2 -- with wyne, & þan cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay
41,2 -- cast þerto saferon & salt. Take brede & lay it in wyne; lay a layu of þe
41,3 -- wyne; lay a layu of þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow
41,3 -- þe brede & put on þe mylk, & so forth tyl þow have enohw; þen florish it
41,4 -- have enohw; þen florish it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of
41,4 -- it with sugyre & powdyr of gynger & serof it forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched
42,1 -- forth. Cawdell of Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, &
42,1 -- Almonds. Recipe almondes blaunched & bray þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr
42,2 -- þam & draw þam vp with wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole
42,2 -- wyne, & do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll
42,2 -- do þerto powdyr of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc.
42,3 -- of gynger & sugur, & bole it, & cast þerto a lityll salt, etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe
43,1 -- etc. Cald Brewyt. Recipe creme of almonds, & dry it vpon a cloth, and when it is
43,2 -- is dry do it in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of
43,2 -- in a boll, & do þerto salt & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse
43,3 -- & sugur with þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it
43,3 -- & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it
43,3 -- & let it stand by þe fenell, & mese it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys &
44,1 -- it forth. Peris in Comfytt. Recipe perys & payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys
44,2 -- payr þam clene; take gode rede wyne & mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan
44,2 -- mulberys or sawndyrs. Seth þe parys þerin, & whan þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp &
44,3 -- þai bene sodyn wele take þam vp & make a syrup of vernage or of oþer swete
44,4 -- wyne, with blawnchyd powdyr or with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on
44,4 -- with sugur, & do þerto þe peres, & serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole
45,1 -- serof. [99r] Tarts on Fysh Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr
45,2 -- Dayes. Recipe & perbole ony*uns with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take
45,2 -- with erbs, & pres oute þe wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder
45,2 -- wawtyr & chop þam small. Take egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns
45,3 -- egges & do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with
45,3 -- do þerto powder of saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr &
45,3 -- saferon & salt & rasyns of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put
45,3 -- of curans, & aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre &
45,4 -- aley it with sugyr & powdyre dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake it, &
45,4 -- dauce, & put it in a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute.
45,4 -- it in a pastre & bake it, & serof it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis &
46,1 -- it forth. Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam
46,1 -- Rysshellis of Frute. Recipe figis & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind
46,2 -- & rasyns & wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres
46,2 -- wesh þam in wyne, & pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, &
46,2 -- pike þam & grind þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole
46,2 -- þam with appyls & peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it
46,3 -- peres paryd clene, & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry
46,3 -- & do þerto powdyre & hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle
46,3 -- hole spices; & make it in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles.
46,3 -- in balls, & fry þam in oyle & serof it forth. Defoyles. Recipe creme of cow mylk
47,1 -- creme of cow mylk or of almondes, & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; &
47,2 -- & do þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do it in
47,2 -- þerto egges with suger, saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn
47,2 -- saferon, & salt; & mell it togyder & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe
47,3 -- in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a Gournard. y*e schall
48,3 -- tayle. y*e schal ly his bely vpward, & put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis
48,4 -- put þerin rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne,
48,4 -- rasyns of corans with peper & clowis & iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if
48,4 -- iij sponefull of rumney or oþer wyne, & if y*e wyll, put in his bely a fresh
49,1 -- a fresh ele. Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als
49,1 -- Creme of Almonds. Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e
49,2 -- Recipe & blawnch almondes, & grinde þam & kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper
49,2 -- kepe þam als whyte as y*e mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw it, &
49,2 -- mey, & temper it thyk with watur & draw it, & put it in a pott. And
49,2 -- it thyk with watur & draw it, & put it in a pott. And sett it oure
49,3 -- pott. And sett it oure þe fyre & styr it wele; and when it begyns to rise
49,4 -- þan do a lityll þerto of vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene
49,5 -- vinegre & lat it stande a whyle, & take a clene cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men,
49,6 -- cloth haldyn abrode betwene tiw men, ||62| & trast þerin with a ladyl als brode as þe
49,6 -- brode as þe cloth wyll striche towards & froward ay with þe ege of þe ladyll þat
49,7 -- y*e may draw oute all þe watyrs; & þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang
49,8 -- þan gedyre it to þe corners togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water
49,8 -- togydyrs & hang it vpon a pyn, & let þe water soke oute into a boll; &
49,9 -- þe water soke oute into a boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with
49,9 -- boll; & temper it with whyte wyne, & bruse it with a sawcer tyll it be als
49,10 -- als softe as y*e wyll haue it, & serof it forth. Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte
50,1 -- Payne Puredew. Recipe shyves of whyte brede & toste þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges &
50,2 -- þam; þan take þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry
50,2 -- þe y*olkes of egges & swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece
50,2 -- swyng þam, & turn þe brede þerin, & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it
50,3 -- & fry it in grece or buttur, & serof it forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne
51,1 -- forth. [99v] Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go
51,1 -- Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan
51,2 -- oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or
51,3 -- almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll
51,4 -- put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam
51,5 -- & y*alow take þerto y*olkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self.
51,6 -- whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse &
51,7 -- els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu
51,7 -- it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But
51,7 -- tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch
51,8 -- loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with
51,9 -- whyte beneth þe y*alow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it
51,9 -- Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it
51,10 -- it þu mast kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt. For to make Conys
52,2 -- þan hew hyre in gobets all raw & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto
52,2 -- & seth hyr in hyr awne grece, & cast þerto ale or wyne a gode cup full,
52,3 -- ale or wyne a gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it
52,3 -- gode cup full, & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth.
52,3 -- & mynce ony*ons small & do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace
52,3 -- small & do þerto, & bole it & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam,
53,1 -- & serof it forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, &
53,1 -- forth. Jonreye. Recipe bolace & seth þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in
53,2 -- þam, & strene þam throgh a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto
53,2 -- a cloth, & cast þam in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole
53,2 -- in broth; & do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it
53,2 -- do whyte grece þerto & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of
53,3 -- & gratyd brede & bole it togyder, & alye it with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony
53,3 -- with y*olkes of egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it
53,3 -- egges; þan take hony & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame.
53,4 -- & bole it & cast it þeron, & serof it forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop
54,1 -- forth. Sauce Madame. Recipe sauge, percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in
54,2 -- percely, ysop & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe
54,2 -- & saueray, quyncis, gode perys, & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn
54,2 -- & garlic, & put in þe gosse, & sew þe hole agayn þat no grece go oute;
54,3 -- hole agayn þat no grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro
54,3 -- no grece go oute; & roste it & leye þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce &
54,3 -- þe grece þat drops fro þe sawce & etc. To mend Mete þat is Brynt in þe
55,2 -- Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast,
55,2 -- .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete &
55,2 -- full of malt, & sew þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put it in a
55,2 -- þam fast, & take oute þe mete & put it in a clene pot, & þan hang
55,3 -- & put it in a clene pot, & þan hang þe saide bags in þe mete. Say
55,4 -- touche not þe bothom of þe pot, & lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr
55,4 -- lett it seth þerin a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of
55,4 -- a gode whyle, & styr it wele, & let it kele. Mete of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons
56,1 -- of Lyfe. Recipe sodyn wardons or rostyd, & pike of þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow
56,2 -- þe skyn; [100r] þen take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn
56,2 -- take fayre marow & creme of almonds & put it in a cofyn of past, & mess
56,3 -- put it in a cofyn of past, & mess þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre &
56,3 -- þerwith mynced datis, powdyre of canell, sugyre & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat
56,4 -- & rasyns of corans, powdyre of gynger, & þan lat it bake. Cenellis. Recipe braynes of calvis
57,1 -- braynes of calvis heds or piges heds & put it in a pan or in a pott;
57,2 -- in a pan or in a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre,
57,2 -- a pott; & put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl
57,2 -- put þerto raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk,
57,2 -- raw eggs & peper, saferon & vinegre, & stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof
57,3 -- stir it wele tyl it be thyk, & serof it forth. Mawmeny. Recipe brawne of capons or
58,1 -- Recipe brawne of capons or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take
58,2 -- or of hennys & dry þam wele, & taise þam small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds
58,2 -- small; þan take thyk mylk of almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele
58,3 -- almonds & put þe saide brawne þerto, & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it
58,3 -- & styr it wele ouer þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of canell, with
58,3 -- þe fyre, & seson it with suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys
58,4 -- suger & powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth.
58,4 -- powder of canell, with mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth
58,4 -- mase & quibibs & anneys in confete, & serof it forth. To seth a Tench. Schla hym
59,1 -- a Tench. Schla hym in the tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in
59,2 -- tale & let hym blede to dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub it with
59,2 -- dede, & skald hym in hote water, & rub it with a cloth till he be clene;
59,2 -- with a cloth till he be clene; & take ale & water & salt & make a
59,3 -- till he be clene; & take ale & water & salt & make a sharp sauce, &
59,3 -- be clene; & take ale & water & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it
59,3 -- & take ale & water & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat
59,3 -- & salt & make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; & lay it
59,3 -- make a sharp sauce, & splat it & lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure,
59,3 -- & splat it & lat it kele; & lay it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre &
59,4 -- it in a chaergeoure, an cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, &
59,4 -- cast vinegre & powdere of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a
59,5 -- of peper, percely & saferon with ony*ons, & serof. ||63| To make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe
60,1 -- make a Syrop of Wardons. Recipe wardons & seth þam til þai be softe in clene water,
60,2 -- water, or cast þam in a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl
60,2 -- a syve & rost þam. Pyl þam & shere þam in resonabyl byg pecis; þan take rede
60,4 -- or whyte wyne or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of
60,4 -- or gode ale, sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell
60,4 -- sugur & pressyd hony & bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it
60,5 -- bole it, & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in
60,5 -- & take powdyr of gynger & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; &
60,5 -- & canell & cast it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast
60,5 -- it þerin boylyng, & annis in confyt; & when it is sodyn cast in þi wardons &
60,6 -- it is sodyn cast in þi wardons & serof it forth. For to make Jowtis. Recipe many
61,1 -- For to make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam
61,1 -- make Jowtis. Recipe many erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of
61,2 -- erbis, & hake & boyle þam tenderly, & þan take þam oute of the pot & cast
61,2 -- þan take þam oute of the pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe
61,2 -- pot & cast þam on a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam small, &
61,3 -- a dressour, & press oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede;
61,3 -- oute þe water & hew þam small, & bray þam with gratyd brede; þan take clere broth
61,4 -- of pestels of pork or of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it
61,5 -- of befe, & alay it vp þerwith, & boyle it till it be sothen enogh. Movn Amy.
62,1 -- Movn Amy. Recipe creme of cow mylk & boyle it, þan take it of & kele it;
62,2 -- & boyle it, þan take it of & kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press
62,2 -- kele it; þan take swete raw cruds & press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray
62,3 -- press oute þe cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme
62,3 -- cruds of wey [100v] & bray þam, & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all
62,3 -- & cast þam in þe same creme & boyle all togydere, and put þerto sugur and saferon,
62,4 -- buttur; þan take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe
62,5 -- take y*olkes of egges strened & betyn, & in þe settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto,
62,5 -- settyng downe cast in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; &
62,5 -- in þe y*olkes þerto, & stire it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in
62,6 -- it, & lat þat potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a
62,7 -- and plant it with floure of violets, & serof it forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles,
63,1 -- forth. Elus Bakyn in Dyshes. Recipe eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt
63,1 -- eles, & cowche þam in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr,
63,2 -- in a dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh
63,2 -- dysh, & cast on salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer
63,2 -- salt & saferon & powdyre of pepyr, & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it
63,3 -- & couer þat dysh with anoþer dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh
63,3 -- dysh & set it on þe coles, & turn þe dysh aboute and put in a lityll
63,4 -- fyrst tyrne for savyng of þe vessell, & put þe hote coles in a hole in þe
63,5 -- coles in a hole in þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns.
63,5 -- þe erth & so lat it boyle, & serof it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, &
64,1 -- it forth. Papyns. Recipe clene cow mylk, & take þe flour of rice or of whete &
64,2 -- þe flour of rice or of whete & draw þe flour with sum of þe mylk, &
64,2 -- þe flour with sum of þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it boyle, &
64,2 -- þe mylk, & colour it with saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto;
64,3 -- it with saferon & let it boyle, & do a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water &
64,3 -- a lityll hony þerto; þan tak water & well it in a frying panne; þan cast in
64,4 -- frying panne; þan cast in brokyn egges & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij.
64,4 -- & fry þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk
64,4 -- water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme.
64,5 -- a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, & serof it forth. Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow
65,1 -- Creme. Recipe swete creme of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth;
65,1 -- of cow mylk & y*olkes of egges, & draw þam throgh a cloth; þan do it in
65,2 -- cloth; þan do it in þe creme & set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder;
65,2 -- creme & set it on þe fyre & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with
65,3 -- & well þam togyder; þan take saferon & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam
65,3 -- & hony with a lityll fayre buttur & let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress
65,4 -- let þam boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof.
65,4 -- dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, &
66,1 -- Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth
66,1 -- wyne or rede, & take egg yolkes & draw þam throgh a cloth with þe same wyne;
66,2 -- þe same wyne; þan put þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe
66,3 -- þerto hony & colour it with saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele,
66,3 -- saferon, & set it oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt
66,3 -- oure þe fyre & styr it wele, & whan it is in poynt to welle set it
66,4 -- in poynt to welle set it of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe
66,4 -- it of & let it be standyng & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam
67,1 -- & serof. Soppus Dorre. Recipe myncyd onyons & fry þam in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne
67,2 -- in oyle de olyff, þan take wyne & boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do
67,2 -- boyle with þe onyons; þan toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, &
67,3 -- toste brede & do it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe
67,3 -- it in disshys, & gode almond mylk, & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam
68,1 -- & serof. Potage of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam
68,1 -- of Rice. Recipe rice, & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste;
68,1 -- & pike þam & wash þam clene, & seth þam to þai breste; þan lat þam kele
68,2 -- to þai breste; þan lat þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll
68,2 -- þam kele & cast þerto almond mylke, & do þerto a lityll porcyon of wyne, anoþer of
68,4 -- hony, [101r] and colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk.
68,4 -- colour it with saferon, & boyle it & serof it forth. Gelis of Mylk. Recipe gode almond
69,1 -- gode almond mylk or swete cow mylk, & colour it wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede
69,2 -- wele with saferon; þan take wastell brede & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on
69,3 -- brede & cut it on small pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is
69,3 -- pecis, & set mylk on þe fyre, & when it is in poynt to seth cast þe
69,3 -- poynt to seth cast þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe
69,4 -- þe brede þerin & let it bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele,
70,1 -- bole, & serof. Mortrows of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash
70,1 -- of Wylkys. Recipe & boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in water &
70,2 -- boyle þam wele, & dight þam clene & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam
70,2 -- þam clene & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw
70,2 -- & wash þam in water & salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh
70,2 -- salt, & grynde þam in a morter & draw þam throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk;
70,3 -- throgh a streny*our with gode almond mylk; & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast
70,3 -- & do þam in a fayre pot, & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon &
70,4 -- & ||64| cast in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder
70,4 -- cast in grated brede, salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger
70,4 -- salt & saferon & boyle it vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes.
70,5 -- vp, & cast on powder of gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam &
71,1 -- gynger & serof. Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto
71,1 -- Ryce Moyes. Recipe ryce, & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar
71,1 -- & wash þam & bray þam wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof
71,2 -- wele, & cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe
71,2 -- cast þerto almond mylk, sugar & salt, & serof it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, &
72,1 -- it forth. Oysters in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind
72,1 -- in Brewete. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon,
72,2 -- seth þam in clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe
72,2 -- clene water. Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe
72,2 -- Grind peper & saferon, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin,
72,3 -- with þe broth of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it
72,3 -- of þe ostyrs þerin, & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in
72,3 -- & boyle it & cast in salt, & serof it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, &
73,1 -- it forth. Elis in Brewette. Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind
73,1 -- Recipe elis, & cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely,
73,1 -- cut þam in gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale,
73,2 -- gobyts & seth þam; & grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it
73,2 -- grind peper & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole
73,2 -- & saferon, mynt, percely, brede & ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole it &
73,3 -- ale, & temper it with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg
73,3 -- it with þe broth, & bole it & serof. Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard,
74,1 -- de Surre. Recipe egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede,
74,2 -- egg y*olkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it
74,2 -- & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it vp
74,2 -- brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow,
74,3 -- vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of
74,3 -- a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam
74,4 -- & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut
74,4 -- of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when
74,4 -- cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof.
74,4 -- take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe
75,1 -- serof. Tarts of Appyls. Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam,
75,1 -- Recipe gode appyls & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with
75,2 -- & gode spyces, fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do
75,2 -- fygis & rasyns, peris; & bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a
75,2 -- bray þam, & colour þam with saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele
75,2 -- saferon, & do þam in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth
75,3 -- in a coffyn & bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam
76,1 -- bake þam wele & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, &
76,1 -- & serof. Appylmoes. Recipe & seth appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in
76,1 -- appyls, & frete þam throgh a cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond
76,2 -- cloth, & do þam in a pot, & cast þerto almond mylk with gode broth of flesh
76,3 -- mylk with gode broth of flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put
76,3 -- flesh dayes, & put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe
76,3 -- put þerto gratyd brede & seth it; & put þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day &
76,4 -- þerto whyte grece on þe flesh day & on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do
76,4 -- on þe fysh day oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, &
76,4 -- oyle de olyfe, & do þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, &
76,5 -- þerto sugur, & colour it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs
76,5 -- it with saferon, & strewe þerin gynger, & serof it forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs,
77,1 -- forth. [101v] Ostyrs in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in
77,1 -- in Gravy. Recipe ostyrs, & shell þam & seth þam in wyne or in watur; grind þam
77,2 -- in wyne or in watur; grind þam & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it
77,2 -- & draw þam vp with þe brothe, & alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do
77,3 -- alay it with þe flour of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of
77,3 -- of ryce, & do þerto þe ostyrs; & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt,
77,4 -- powdyr of gynger, sugur, maces, quibibs, salt, & seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows
77,4 -- & seth it to it be standyng & serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc
78,1 -- serof. Mortrows on Fysh Dayes. Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in
78,2 -- Recipe codlyng & hadoc with þe lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe
78,2 -- lyver, & seth þam wele in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small.
78,2 -- in water, & pike oute þe bones & grind þe fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes
78,3 -- fysh small. Draw a lyre of almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe
78,3 -- almondes & brede with þe fysh broth, & do þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon &
78,4 -- þerto þe gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f]
78,4 -- gronden fysh, strewing powdyr, saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes.
78,4 -- saferon & salt, & make it standyng & serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash
79,1 -- serof. Rasyns o[n/f] Fysh Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam
79,2 -- Dayes. Recipe almonds, & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water.
79,2 -- & wash þam clene & grinde þam, & draw þam vp with fayr water. Seth it, alay
79,3 -- vp with rasyns; cast þerto salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres
79,3 -- salt, saferon & sugur; mese it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns,
79,4 -- it forth & florych it with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes
80,1 -- with solyaundres & serof. Saborsawce. Recipe reysyns, & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it
80,2 -- & grind þam with crostes of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder &
80,2 -- of brede, & temper it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele,
80,2 -- it with wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or
80,2 -- wyne; & do þerto powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or
80,2 -- powder & salt, & seth it wele, & fry rochys or loches or solis or oþer gode
80,3 -- loches or solis or oþer gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a
80,3 -- gode fyshes, & cast þe sawce þeron & serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth
81,1 -- serof. To make a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper
81,1 -- a Froyse. Recipe vele, & seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon &
81,1 -- & seth it & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto,
81,2 -- & hak it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it
81,2 -- it wele, & grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it & press
81,2 -- & grind peper & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon
81,2 -- & saferon & brede & do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes.
81,2 -- brede & do þerto, & fry it & press it vpon a bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd
82,1 -- bord. Flawnes. Recipe past makd in coffyns & fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast
82,2 -- fyll þam full of blanchyd almounds mylk, & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan
82,2 -- & cast þerin powder of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in
82,2 -- of gynger, safran & salt; þan bake & serof it forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces
83,1 -- forth. Quynces in Composte. Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls;
83,2 -- Recipe fayre quynces & payr þam clene, & cut þam oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh
83,2 -- oute þe kyrnyls; þan tak sugur enogh & a lityll powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full;
83,3 -- powdyre of gynger. Stop þe hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij.
83,3 -- hole full; & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let
83,4 -- close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in
83,4 -- in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; &
83,4 -- take clarifyed hony in stede of sugur; & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a
84,1 -- & serof. To bake a Lawmpray. Recipe & make a rownd cophyn of past; ||65| þan tak
84,2 -- past; ||65| þan tak a fresh lawmpray & lat hym blode. &Thorn;an take brown brede and stepe
84,3 -- brown brede and stepe it in vynegre, & lat þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, &
84,3 -- þe lawmpray dy in his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe
84,3 -- his awn blode, & strene þe brede & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of
84,4 -- & þe vinegre; þan take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne,
84,4 -- take þe blode & powdyr of canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto
84,5 -- canell, & cast þerto til it browne, & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, &
84,5 -- & cast [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not
84,5 -- [102r] þerto powder of peper & salt, & wyne, a lityl, þat it be not to strong
84,6 -- be not to strong of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch
84,6 -- of þe vinegre; & skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn
84,7 -- skald þe lawmpray & payr hym clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with
84,7 -- clene, & cowch hym in þe cophyn & couer it with a lyd safe a lityl hole.
84,8 -- þi mowth a gode blast of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide
84,9 -- hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe cophyn þat it fall not down;
84,10 -- þe cophyn þat it fall not down; & when it is a lityll hard prik it, &
84,10 -- it is a lityll hard prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth
84,10 -- prik it, & lat it bake enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray
84,11 -- enogh, & serof of it forth cold; & when þe lawmpray is enogh tak it oute of
85,1 -- of þe owen. Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam
85,1 -- Soppis Dorre. Recipe mylk & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set
85,1 -- & boyle it, & strene egges y*olks & put þam þerto; þan set it ouer þe fyre,
85,2 -- þe fyre, but lat it not boyle, & þen styr it wele tyll it be thyk, &
85,3 -- styr it wele tyll it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane
85,3 -- it be thyk, & cast þerto sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in
85,3 -- sugur & salt. &Thorn;an take fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above
85,4 -- fayr paynemane & make it in sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth
85,4 -- sopis, & put þe stuff above þeron, & serof it forth in þe maner of potage. Buknade.
86,1 -- maner of potage. Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with
86,1 -- Buknade. Recipe blawnched almondes & grind þam, & draw þam throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth
86,2 -- throgh a streney*our with gode fresh broth & wyne. And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, &
86,3 -- And þan take vele, kyd, henne, pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows,
86,3 -- pike, & perboile hym in fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let
86,3 -- fresh broth, & cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast
86,4 -- cast þerto clows, maces, & gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl
86,4 -- gode erbis, & let it boyle enogh, & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, &
86,4 -- & cast þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe
86,4 -- þerto a lityl sugur, gynger, & salt, & serof it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, &
87,1 -- it forth. Muskyls in Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe
87,1 -- Gravy. Recipe muskyls, & pike þam clene & seth þam oute of þe shells; þan draw þam
87,2 -- shells; þan draw þam throgh a streney*our & set þam oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede
87,3 -- oure þe fyre; þan take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same broth; þen put þerto
87,4 -- broth; þen put þerto mynced ony*ons, wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger
87,4 -- wyne & peper, þan boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof.
87,4 -- boyle þam togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe
87,5 -- togyder & cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon;
87,5 -- cast þerto gynger & saferon & salt & serof. Storgeon in Broth. Recipe fresh storgeon; perboyle it
88,2 -- fresh storgeon; perboyle it in fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe broth with a
88,2 -- in fayr water & chop it small, & strene þe broth with a streney*our in to a
88,2 -- with a streney*our in to a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced
88,3 -- a pot, & pyke clene þat fysh, & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis
88,3 -- & cast þerto small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede &
88,3 -- small mynced ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in
88,4 -- ony*ons, peper & clows, macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same
88,4 -- macis & canell; & take fayr brede & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it
88,4 -- & stepe it in þe same licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle
88,5 -- licoure, & draw it with a streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr
88,5 -- streney*our, & let it boyle to gydere, & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon &
88,6 -- & cast þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe
88,6 -- þerto powdyr of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk
88,6 -- of gynger, vinagre, & saferon & salt, & serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do
89,1 -- serof. To rost Mylk. Recipe swete mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith,
89,1 -- mylk & do it in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon &
89,2 -- in a pan, & swyng egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan
89,2 -- egges þerwith, & colour it with saferon & put þerto flour; þan set it on þe fyre
89,2 -- flour; þan set it on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr
89,3 -- on þe fyre & let it boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it
89,3 -- boyle, & strene all þise to gydyr & cast [102v] it agayn into þe pan. &Thorn;en take
89,4 -- pan. &Thorn;en take hard y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk
89,4 -- y*olkes of egges & breke þam small, & do þam in þe mylk tyll it be right
89,5 -- be right thyk. &Thorn;en set it down & let it kele, & lech it & roste it
89,5 -- set it down & let it kele, & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, &
89,5 -- & let it kele, & lech it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur,
89,6 -- it & roste it on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for
89,6 -- on a gyrdyren, & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour &
90,1 -- it forth. Frutowr for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges
90,1 -- for Lentyn. Recipe flour & almondes mylk, & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of
90,2 -- & temper þam togyder; þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour
90,2 -- þan take fyges & rasyns of corance & fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne
90,3 -- fry þam with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges
90,3 -- þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam
91,1 -- tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork
91,1 -- & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele
91,1 -- mylk & egges & swyng þam togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on
91,2 -- togyder, & take fresh pork sodyn wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin
91,2 -- wele & cut it on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre,
91,2 -- on small pecis, & cast it þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle,
91,3 -- þerin & set it on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele till it
91,3 -- on þe fyre, & let it boyle, & styre it wele till it wrap in a crud;
91,3 -- wrap in a crud; þan lech it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But
91,4 -- it & lay it on a gyrdyron & roste it. But aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it
91,4 -- aftyr þe foresaide sethyng let it bole, & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it
91,5 -- & breke it as it is aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth
91,5 -- aforesaide, & sesyn it vp with sugur & serof it forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges,
92,1 -- forth with þe frotows. Melesade. Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with
92,1 -- Recipe egges, & strene þam with buttur, & gedyr it togyder with a sklise þe brede of
92,2 -- a sklise þe brede of a dyshe, & cowche þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, &
92,3 -- þerin morsells of brede apon þe egges, & turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast
92,3 -- turne þe brede donwards in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify
92,4 -- in þe pan & cast þerto sugur, & serof it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, &
93,1 -- it forth. To Clarify Hony. Recipe hony, & do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66|
93,1 -- hony, & do it in a pot, & cast þerto ||66| clere of egges with a lityl
93,2 -- clere of egges with a lityl watur, & bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set
93,2 -- bete it wele togydyr with a stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan
93,3 -- stik & set it on þe fyre, & boyle it; þan set it downe & let it
93,3 -- & boyle it; þan set it downe & let it kele, & when it is almost cold
93,3 -- set it downe & let it kele, & when it is almost cold take of þe whyte
93,4 -- take of þe whyte with a sklise & serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene
94,1 -- serof it forth. Lete Lorre. Recipe egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow
94,1 -- egges & strene þam throgh a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, &
94,2 -- a streney*our, & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak
94,2 -- & do þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng;
94,2 -- þerto cow mylk & buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour
94,2 -- buttur & saferon, & seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, &
94,2 -- seth it welle & mak it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To
94,3 -- it stondyng; & colour it with saferon, & serof it forth. To Claryfy Butter. Recipe fayr fresh
95,2 -- on þe fyre in a fayr pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water
95,3 -- pan & loke þer be no smoke, & when þe water is ny hote put in þe
95,3 -- is ny hote put in þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto
95,3 -- þe buttur & take a fayr sklyse & styr it wele unto þe tyme þe water begyn
95,4 -- þe water begyn to walme; þan take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene;
95,5 -- take & sette fro þe [103r] fyre & skom it clene; þen let it stonde tyl it
95,6 -- in a basyn with a lityll watur & poure þe saide buttur from þat hote water, &
95,7 -- þe saide buttur from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on
95,7 -- from þat hote water, & salt it; & þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or
95,7 -- kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make Char de
95,8 -- or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs &
96,1 -- To make Char de Crabb. Recipe crabbs & seth þam in watur tyll þai be softe, &
96,2 -- þam in watur tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a
96,2 -- tyll þai be softe, & take hony & strene þe crabbs þerwith throgh a cloth. Put to
96,3 -- to a iijd part of claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun;
96,3 -- claryfyed hony & a quantyte of sawndyrs, & colour it with saforun; þen put þerto a quantyte
96,4 -- þerto a quantyte of powdyr of peper & ij d worth of þe flour of anneys &
96,5 -- d worth of þe flour of anneys & a quantyte of powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated
96,6 -- powdyre of licorys. &Thorn;en take grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns
96,6 -- grated brede & mold it vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, &
96,6 -- vp þerwith, & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas
96,6 -- & put it in cophyns & serof it forth, & bene facis. Quod Don Thomas Awkbarow.

5,2 -- pyke þam wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene

5,2 -- wele, & wesh þam in .iii. or .iiij. waters, & than seth þam in clene water til
11,2 -- lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it is perbolid
12,6 -- of almonds, & fyges & dates, in .iiij. pertyes. &Thorn;en bak it; serof it forth. To make
48,2 -- gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of þe gurnards tayle.
65,4 -- þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce. Recipe whyte
83,3 -- make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake; & els
95,7 -- y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close. To make

8,5 -- it depe with saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet
11,2 -- tryed, & lay þam in a cofyn .iij. or .iiij. rawe; & take fayre mary. When it
11,5 -- noght to hote; & serof it forth .iij. in a dysh. Flawnes for Lentyn. Recipe gode floure
48,2 -- lenthe þat þe gurnard is on, safe .iij. ynche or .iiij. þat y*e sall turne it of
55,2 -- þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, & sew þam
64,4 -- þam hard in þe water, & lay .iij. in a dysh & þe colourd mylk þeron, &
65,4 -- boyle tyll þai be standyng, & dress .iij. or .iiij. in a dysh & serof. Caudell Farce.
83,3 -- & þan make rownde cophyns & close .iij. or .iiij. in a cophyn, & let it bake;
95,7 -- þis butter y*e schull kepe on warandise .iij. or .iiij. y*ere, & kepe it cold & close.

10,4 -- in fresh grece, & serrof þam forth .ij. in a dysch. Chewetys. Make smale cofyns not so
47,2 -- & do it in a coffyn of .ij. ynche depe & bake it. For to bake a
55,1 -- Brynt in þe Pott. Take small bagges .ij. or .iij. & fill þam full of malt, &

8,5 -- saferon, & lay þerof .iij. lechis or .v. in a dysh of þe charlet & poure þe
62,6 -- potage be standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it

62,6 -- standyng; & dress it in .v. or .vj. lechys in a dysh and plant it with floure

8,5 -- dysh of þe charlet & poure þe [c]reme apon it; and medyl sugure, sawndyrs, & masz togydere

43,3 -- powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe fenell,

29,6 -- of canell, clows & macis, & ras[yns] [of] corance hole, with þe blode & grece of þe
43,3 -- þe powdyr of gynger & þe juse [of] [fen]nell with wyne, & let it stand by þe

37,3 -- batur & ole & bake þam & [serof]. [98v] Charlet. Recipe pork & seth it wele, &

84,9 -- of wynd, & sodainely stop þe hole [þ]at þe wynd may abide þerin, & rayse vp þe

90,3 -- with þe batour with oyle & tyrne [þis] & serof. Letards. Recipe mylk & egges & swyng